Special Chapter: 300 Votes

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A/n: Alright, hope you guys love this crappy chapter and yes, it's a Lemon/Smut chapter, which I tried...

Have fun reading it XD


2 words.

Too. Hot.

The temperature in this Hell is ridiculous hot and what M/n need right now is, he's need popsicles.

Which he bought too many popsicles because why not.

Right now, M/n sitting on the couch in living room alone while eating (F/f) popsicles which he start to lick the popsicles happily as he feel the cold and tasty flavor running down his throat.

Meanwhile with Alastor, he walk down from his room after getting ready for his work as Radio Host and once he walked down, the Deer Demon stop his tracks when he saw his husband sucking the popsicles but that's not why the reason that Deer Demon stop his tracks.

The reason why he stops his tracks is the way how his husband eats the popsicles. The way how M/n lick and suck the popsicles making Alastor's mind blank.

M/n lick the remains popsicles that stuck on the corner of his mouth with his finger, he saw Alastor who keeps staring at M/n with his eyes on the popsicles in his hand. "Oh, hey Alastor! Want some popsicles? I got a few here." M/n call out, finish his popsicles as Alastor walk downstairs and straight toward him.

Once Alastor reached the (H/c) haired male and before M/n said anything, M/n let out yelp when Alastor suddenly shove his husband to the couch, pinned the male in progress.

"Darling, you're so mean, you know that?"





"A-Ah! Alastor!"

"Nngh! Not-AH! Not there!"

"A-Ah! S-Stop teasing me!"

'G-God, how did it become like this...?' M/n thought as his thought stopped as he moaned when he feels another cold popsicles enter him. "A-Ah, Alastor!" Alastor chuckle at his husband's attempt to move away from the coldness as the tentacles had wrapped all over his body, just to prevent the (H/c) haired male to move while the said male is on his knee with his ass raise up on air. "Because of you using popsicles to seduce your husband, make me want to eat you up~"

M/n glare at his husband before let out moan. "I-Idiot! That's how I-AH! I eat the popsicles every time!" Alastor chuckles and M/n flinch when he feels Alastor take out the popsicles out before use his finger. M/n flinched at the sudden feeling. "I wonder where is it.... Is it here?" M/n gritted his teeth, try to keep his moan inside, as he don't want to let Alastor know, hoping that he didn't found it.

"Or, maybe around.....here?"

Alastor rub and M/n's eyes widen as he let out loud moan, startled Alastor for a bit. 'Shit, I can't keep my voice down...' M/n thought, quickly using his hand to cover his mouth. "Hey now, if you are feeling good, there's no point if you holding back~" Alastor continue rub the spot until M/n can't hold it anymore,

"AHHH~! Hah...."

M/n slump, already lose energy as Alastor take his finger out and flipped him over making M/n face Alastor who has his smiles widen when he saw how red his husband was. "My, to think the red is suit for you, my love~" Alastor glance down to M/n's sticky member and slowly lean down. "W-What are you-Ah!" Alastor lightly blows at the tip before start licking all cum making M/n try to push him away.

"H-hey, don't lick that, idiot!"

Alastor ignore his husband as he continue lick it until it become hard again. "May I put it in, my dear?" Alastor asks but M/n look away, avoid the eye contact.


"S-Sorry, it's just... I'm scared since t-this is my first time..."

Alastor smiles before kiss M/n's forehead. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." Alastor put the tip of his member to the entrance and looks at M/n. "Ready?" M/n nodded and flinch at the strange feeling as Alastor enter in. Alastor let his husband get used to it before start to thrust in and out. "Y-You're alright there, darling?" Alastor grunt and M/n let out moan, answering the question.

As Alastor thrust inside and out, he realized something; the deeper he thrust, the louder moan he heard.

"Oh~? Do you like it here~?" Alastor asked and hit the same spot making M/n bite his lips, glaring his hetechoromia eyes toward Alastor who chucked. "You really like it here," Alastor said in amused and thrust harder than before making M/n arched his back, clenching on the bed sheet while letting out moan.

After few thrust, Alastor climaxed inside while M/n had his climaxed on his lower stomach, dirty the couch on progress.

"S-Sorry for dirty the couch..."

"It's alright, dear. But I'm not finish with you yet."

"W-Wait, what? A-Alastor, don't you dare-AH~!"


A/n: Sorry if this chapter is crappy ;w; And, no. This chapter will be my first and last lemon chapter for this book so stop asking. (Ps: Sorry if I sound rude)

I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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