Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 12

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A/n: Someone draw this fanart for me! Even it's not what I expected honestly, no offense but it's still beautiful! Love it!!

Please enjoy this chapter!


"Hello, can I seat here?"

Nancy watch the fox demon look up and Nancy can feel about her breath almost been taken away by the beauty of the fox demon in front of her. The soft pale skin, the sharp of beautiful hetechoromia eyes and soft pink lips that looks almost kissable.

But, instead feeling of awe, Nancy was full of jealousy as she can't help but thinking about ruining the beauty looks that more attractive than her looks.

Nobody can look so beautiful than her.


"Hello, are you there???"

Nancy blinked as she snapped out from her evil thoughts and glance toward the fox demon in front of her and she Nancy let out a nervous sheepish laughter. "O-Oh sorry about that! It's just, y-you look so beautiful and I can't help but staring at your b-beauty, s-sorry...!" Nancy quickly apologized, hoping that the demon in front of her accepts her apologized so she can has alliance with this demon.

But, she unaware that the fox demon stared at her with full of amused in her eyes as if she know what will happened next.

"Oh, it's fine. Yes, you can seat here. Is something that you need?" The fox demon asks in politely tone as she watched Nancy take a seat beside her. "Umm, sorry if I bother you, but are you dating with that demon over there?" Nancy asked, point toward the Deer Demon that she hate it so much who waiting for some sweets to serve. "Oh, him? Why yes! That's my boyfriend actually. We just go out last week. Is something wrong with my boyfriend?" The fox demon asks in confusion and Nancy quickly look around if her 'precious boyfriend' is here before glance back to the fox demon in front of her.

"Why yes! There's something that had bother me so much. Does your boyfriend is actually gay or something?" Nancy asked and fox demon can't help but raised her brow when she heard the question, which the first thing that come out from her mouth was,

"What kind of question was that?"




All the question she can ask,

"Does your boyfriend is actually gay or something?"

She ask THAT type of question?

Oh dear lord, you have no idea how hard M/n try to contain his laughter.

When he heard the question, he can't help but blurted out like, "What kind of question was that?" Nancy was flushed in embarrassed, mentally slapped herself why she asked stupid question like that and M/n almost burst out laughter if it wasn't for Alastor who return with two sweets in his hand.

"Oh darling~ I have return~"

M/n's face lit up when he saw his favorite sweets in his boyfriend's hand; A dango and Taiyaki with [Favorite Flavor]. "Oh you're back! And you're brings my favorite sweet too!" M/n said happily as he quickly stand up from his seat while ignore Nancy who try to take his attention as he walk towards Alastor who chuckled at his happy face.

"Why of course~ As your boyfriend, I need to know anything about you, my love~ Are you busy right now because I just saw a young lady over there had been tried to take your attention for a while." Alastor said, mentioned Nancy who had annoyance looks on her face and Alastor could see the frustrated steams that come out from her head.

"Who, her? Nahh, we already done our business so let's go! I'm hungry!" M/n whined and Alastor chuckled, offer his arm to M/n which the said male accept while holding the taiyaki in his unoccupied hand and Alastor hold the dango in his unoccupied hand. "Alright, let's go then~"

Nancy who try to catch M/n's attention for a while, watched the fox demon opened the portal and they entered before close the portal behind them. Nancy screams out of frustration as she know that she failed to get alliance and information from the fox demon.


Meanwhile with M/n and Alastor

"And did you know what she just asked about you? She asked if you're gay or something like, I don't know what the fuck!"

M/n and Alastor thought it would be nice if they use portal so they can escape from Nancy watching them like a creepy stalker as she is and they use it, only to reach the restaurant safety. "She probably saw me at the restaurant with Mimzy that day." Alastor mumbled, rubbing his chin and M/n just shrugged.

There's was a day where it was one of their close friends, Mimzy and her birthday is almost coming up and M/n couldn't come because he has some works to do, giving the gift to Alastor so Alastor can deliver it to Mimzy. And at the same times, Nancy and her friend were there too, that's why Nancy seems suspicious when she saw Alastor with Mimzy and him which is she still don't know it was M/n in disguise.

[A/n: If you guys wonder what are they talked about, read at Chapter 8]

"Yeah, I honestly thought that Mimzy is like Nancy until she said she's just a friend." M/n mumbled and pouted when he heard Alastor chuckled. "Well, you're not technically wrong actually." M/n snapped his head towards Alastor who stared forward, frowned at the statements.

"What do you mean by that?" M/n asked.

"Well, before I meet you, our dear Mimzy confessed her love to me and I told her that I already had my eyes on someone. At first she was so sad but slowly and without me knowing, she's already move on." Alastor and he chuckled more when he saw the relief in M/n's eyes.

"Oh but don't worry about it my dear~ Because you always be my number one in my heart~"

"Oh shut up you and your stupid cheesy line."


I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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