Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 7

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A/n: This chapter is the continuous from the previous chapter. Enjoy!


"U-Um, sir?" M/n turn around when he heard someone calls out, turns out it was the Imps that he just saved, walk up towards him. "We want to say, thank you very much for saving us. We don't know what will happen if you didn't show up." The female Imp said and her boyfriend beside her nodded agreement. "It's fine, beside they just casually claim my territory as theirs, of course I have to do something, right?" M/n say, change himself back to his normal clothes from earlier.

"Well, we will get going. Thank you so much, sir!" "Your welcome and have nice day!" M/n watch the Imps walk away together, leaving him and the crisp body behind. "Oh, M/n boo~" M/n groaned as soon as he heard the familiar and annoying female voice, calling him out from behind. "What do you want, Nancy?" M/n asks, already become bad mood once he heard the annoying voice.

"Aww, don't be like that~ Want to have some coffee with me? My treat!" Nancy said, wrapping her arm around M/n's torso who quickly shook her off making the girl pout.

"First of all, don't touch me. And second, I'm not free right now."

Before Nancy say anything, the fox demons heard the ringtone in M/n's pocket making M/n quickly answer the phone.



"Oh, Alastor! Yeah, I'm at outside right now, why?"


"Come to your mansion? Is something wrong?"


"A tea party? What are you, 6 years old?


"Ughh, fine. I'll be there in a moment."

M/n quickly hanged up the phone and starts to walk away but Nancy quickly block his way.

"You said you don't free just now!"

"Well, yeah. I'm free to everybody but not to you."

M/n quickly run away and summons the portal before he enters, Nancy quickly shouts. "What does he have that I don't have!" M/n stop his tracks and turn around, staring at Nancy with expressionless as Nancy continue shouts.

"Everytime I want to go out with you, you always rejected or giving many excuses like you man always have! And now, you're leaving me for this 'creepy looking ass' Deer Demon! Now, tell me! What does he have that I don't have! We have known each other since high school! What happened to the looking guy that I love so much!"

M/n stared at her and rolled his hetechoromia eyes. "You know Nancy, let me tell you this; you're already kills the guy that you love so much once he found out that you the murder of Katherine Watson." M/n enter the portal without looking back to her. "See you later Nancy."

And with the snap of finger, the portal close behind him, leaving the the fox alone who feel sadness about the fact the boy that he loves so much just rejected her once again but feel angry towards the Deer Demon who dared to steal her husband.

So, she walk back home and decide to make a plan for our precious Deer Demon to miserable for the rest of his life.

And with full of hope, M/n will accept her once more.


M/n play his phone, reading some random fanfiction he found as he waiting for his food. "One [Favorite Japanese food] and a glass of [Favorite drink]!" M/n watched the waiter of the restaurant serve the food and M/n smile. "Thank you." The waiter smile back as he nod back before walk away, leave M/n alone with his precious ramen.

As M/n eat his ramen, out of nowhere Nancy quickly take a seat across the male, startled the (H/c) haired male before groans. "Oh for fuck sake... What the hell do you want now, Nancy?" Nancy has her chin on her palm, staring at him with full of glee in happiness. "Well, I'm here want to eat with you since there's no seat and you're sitting alone here. Besides, it's not like your so called 'boyfriend' is here, right?" M/n choked when he heard that. "I know that you're going out with that Deer Demon so it can stop me to get you, right? Too bad that I know. It. All~" Nancy said in happiness, grabs M/n's unoccupied hand to intertwined together but M/n snatch his hand back harshly.

"So what if you found out that I never going out with my so called 'boyfriend'? In fact, even I want to going out with someone, it will never you. Remember that."

M/n continue eating and completely ignore her making Nancy pouts and decide to sit there, waiting for M/n finish his food. At first, M/n's going to let her be but it become more annoying as she just stared at him without blinking and this makes M/n creep out. "Could you not staring at me like that? It's creep me out." M/n said and Nancy blinked. "Well, is it wrong to watch my handsome boyfriend eat?" Nancy innocently asked and this make M/n scoffed before ignore her and her creepy stared as he try to finish his food.

Once he finish his food, M/n quickly stand up and pay the bill before walk out from the restaurant, with Nancy follow him from behind. M/n just walk while Nancy quickly rush to his side so she can walk side by side which this make Nancy walk happily.

Out of nowhere, Nancy wrapped her arm around M/n's arm making M/n startled and snatch his arm back. "What do you think you're doing? Holding me like that all of sudden." M/n snarled and Nancy pouts more. "Aww, c'mon M/n! It's not like your boyfriend saw it, right?" Nancy giggled and wrap her arms back but M/n just shove her away making Nancy stumbled away from him.

"Hey, what gives!"

"You listen here, you little shit. For the last time, even I'm not dating anyone now, I'll never choose you! Even you're the last human in earth! God, can you get the fucking message that I don't want to do with you anymore?"

M/n use the portal and teleport away from Nancy who stomped her feet, feeling frustrated about how M/n will never accept her as much she want him to.


I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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