Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 14

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'Okay.... This is awkward...' M/n thought to himself as he can't help but just standing there with one of Carol's worker who also feeling awkward by standing there too, don't know what to do.

Before this awkwardness happened, Carol had told him about someone want to meet him and being curious as always, he agreed to meet this 'someone' and the rest is history.

"Alright, let's stop with this awkwardness. First of all, is there something you want to discuss with me? And second, Carol said that you know me? I believe this is our first time, right?" Asked M/n who still confused as hell-No pun intended lol-as the female worker couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Yes, but during our stay in this pit of hell but actually, we know each other for years during high school. Believe it or not, you're my best friend along with my twin brother, Kai."

M/n flinched at the name and the (H/c) haired male narrowed his eye. "Who are you, actually?" M/n asked and the female worker put a sad smile on her face. "My name is Katherine Smith, and my nickname is the one you and my twin always called me, 'Katie'."

M/n stared at the female worker that known as 'Katie' aka his dead best friend with unknown expression before summoned his fox ear along with his nine tails sprouted from his back making the worker look shocked at the sudden change appearance.

"I don't trust you. Is this kind of joke? How dare you use that name." M/n growled angrily, making his way toward the female worker who just standing there, let out another sigh.

"Know you will say that. If you don't believe me it's fine but I have a proof that can show you."

The worker immediately works with her uniform by unbutton the first and second button making M/n stopped his tracks and blushed furiously at this sudden scene. "I-Idiot! What the hell are you doing! Put it back!" 'Kaite' can't help but chuckled amused at her 'best friend' before move away the uniform collar and this making M/n stared at her full of shocked in disbelief.

There's a birthmark on her collar bone that shaped look like a star.

After all the information had sink in his mind, he slowly opens his mouth and calling her name in soft and broken voice. "K-Katie....?"

Katie smile and open her arm wide.

"Hey M/n."

M/n immediately charged towards his best friend and hug her tight, afraid she will be disappeared if he let go of her, his body trembled as he let out sob. Katie smiled and put her arm around M/n's body, rubbing his back to calm him down.

Which is, it worked for M/n.

"To think we finally meet, huh..."

"Yeah, surprised right?"

The two of them chuckled and silence between them as they continue hug each other don't want to let go each other.

Just silence.


"Hey, remember how we prank Kai with the phone call during our stay in hotel?"

"And let Kai almost get arrested? Then yes."


Carol who still at the bar, notice the two demon that she recognized had walked downstairs, laughing to each other where this making Carol look at them in confused.

Wonder what just happened between those two.

On Next Day~

"Late as always." M/n chuckled, checking his watch for like nth time as he waiting for his best friend.

Yesterday, they decide to hang out together to catch up. After few minutes, M/n saw his best friend crossed the road and her face lit up when she saw M/n who wave at her. "M/n, sorry I'm late! My roommate being asshole as always." Katie huffed annoyance and this make M/n chuckled again.

"Well, let's go. Don't want to be late for our movie."

"Yeah, let's go."

They hang out together for few hours until lunch where Katie recommended about a nice restaurant to eat. As they reach the restaurant, M/n and Katie took a seat across each other and immediately order their foods to the waiter before start to chat together.

"Holy shit, are you seriously?"

"Yup, she knows where I'm staying and always stalking me when I'm on my way to do grocery or going date with my boyfriend. SO annoying if you ask me."

"Yeah, that's suck and creepy to be honest."

As they continue talk to each other, they unaware a certain demon watching them from far and decide to make appearance by walking to their table. "Why hello my dear!" M/n and Katie startled at the sudden noise and turn around to the voice which make M/n's face lit up when he saw his boyfriend standing there in front of them. "Alastor! Hey, what are you doing here?" Asked M/n, move over so Alastor can sit beside him. "Oh, well I just walking around here and when I going to cross the road, I saw you and this lady having a nice lunch. Mind telling me who is she?" Alastor ask, feeling jealousy inside him and knowing that M/n immediately notice it, Alastor tried not to show it and he failed because he saw how M/n chuckled amused at his jealousy.

"Well, remember Katherine Smith from my story that I told you about? Well this his her."


"Lol, Alastor are you feeling jealous right now?"

"I-I-I don't k-know what are you talking about, my dear...."


I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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