Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 4

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A/n: Wow, I really have fun writing this, honestly where I should update my other stories instead focus on this one XD And shit, it's almost 200 hearts and I didn't start it yet


Two words

Annoying and Pissed

You know why?

Because of Nancy of course, who else?

Ever since Nancy found where M/n lives, she had been followed him around whenever he go outside to buy some grocery or go to the bakery that he loves so much. Not only that, she always send the gift like chocolates or bouquet of flowers and both of those gifts are his favorites. Taylor also feels annoying too because Nancy always threatened her, saying "Do not get close with my boyfriend or else" something like that but Taylor just ignored because she want to date with a man when she already taken.

"Can you do anything about this? It's getting annoying honestly." Taylor groaned as Carol who is sitting beside her, try to calm her down. "Even I told her not to, she will never get the message! You have no idea how stubborn she was when we're both still alive! And now she knows where I live, it's going to be so troublesome. God...!" M/n shouts back and face plant himself on the couch before screaming on the pillow as Taylor just roll her eyes while Carol let out small giggles.

The screams stop when M/n's ears perked up as he heard the sound of knocking door. "God, another one? Carol, can you be sweetie for a sec and answer the door for us?" M/n asks, raising his head from the pillow and grumbled to himself making Taylor roll her eyes again while Carol answers the doors. In a few minutes, they heard the sound of door close and Carol returns back to the living room with some chocolate box in her hands.

"What do you got there, babe?"

"I got a [Least Favorite Brand's Name] chocolate for M/n here."

Carol take a seat beside her girlfriend as Taylor and M/n take a seat beside her and watch Carol open the chocolate box. "Wow, this chocolate look expensive." Taylor commented as M/n take the small note that had been placed inside and read it.

'fσr mч prєcíσus αnd lσvєlч вσчfríєnd, m/n вσσ!

hσpє чσu líkє mч prєsєnt!


чσur mαtє, nαncч <3'

M/n rolls his eyes and burns the notes before stand up. "Where are you going? Don't want to taste the chocolate?" Taylor asks, taking like 5 or 6 pieces chocolates in her hands before shoved all of it inside her mouth. "Well, since she give it to me, I give it to you so that's chocolate is yours now. Besides, that brand is not my taste." M/n grabs his wallets and house key before putting his shoes and walk out.

"Oh, M/n! Do you mind if you go buy some groceries as well? I'll send you the list!"

"Sure, send it!"


"Oh shit, it's Fox...!"

"Better stay out from his path. Who knows what will happen to us if we cross the line..."

M/n heard the so famous 'Whisper out loud' conservation once he reached the city. After receive the chocolate that he dislikes, he decide to buy the sweet for himself some cake for his roommates and go buy some groceries that Taylor had list for him.

"Oh, why hello there, ol champ!" M/n's ear perks up and turns around, to see the Radio Demon standing behind him with his smile of his. "Oh, hey Alastor. What are you doing here?" M/n asks feeling a little relieved when he saw the Radio Demon.

The Fox Demon (Alastor x Demon!M!Reader) [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now