Ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ 17

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A/n: I think I need to on hold special chapter because I've been out of idea what to write. So, please enjoy this story!


It's been a week after the M/n's reunion with his best friend during high school and he was beyond happy. M/n had introduced Smith's twin to his roommate and his boyfriend who also happily introduce themselves too. Ever since M/n met his best friends, the simple date with his boyfriend, Alastor had become double, triple or quadruple dates with Smith twin, Tyler and her girlfriend, Carol.

It was really fun, honestly.

But, only one thing that always caused him trouble; Nancy.

Nancy always try to do any kind of her strategies to ruin his date but much to his relief that Nancy probably don't know anything about Smith twins being ended up in Hell which he wants to stay like that.

After being lose his best friends because of her scheme, M/n don't want his best friends face the same scheme that caused them killed themselves when they still alive.

Not on his watch. "M/n, dude? You're alright, man?"

M/n snapped out from his thought when he heard Kai called out his name and put smile on his face. "S-Sorry, just space out for a moment. You were saying?" Kai and Katie look each other confused but just let it go as Katie quickly telling them about the new movie that had coming out in cinema and she want the three of them watch together.

Which Kai and M/n immediately agreed of course, knowing that they can't decline the request of watching movie. Because if there's movie, there will be popcorn. "So, what time are we going to go?" Kai asks. "We can go tomorrow but can we go around before dinner? We can get something to eat after watch the movie and I going to pay a visit Alastor in his office tomorrow afternoon." M/n suggest and they immediately agreed since they also have some shift to do.

After the trio said goodbye, M/n walk home alone down the streets and sighed when he feels the familiar presence that following him from behind. "For fuck sake, Nancy would you stop following me around? It's so creepy, don't you think?" M/n said, turn around with annoying look on his face when he saw Nancy who hide behind the wall, tensed up when she had been found out.

"W-What are you talking about? I-I just want t-to make sure that you're went home safe and sound, that's it!" Nancy said, try to find a word to explain but knowing her, M/n just scoffed.

"Pathetic." M/n mumbled and open the portal to his apartment before enter it, closing behind him.

Leaving Nancy who pouted angrily.

Next Day

M/n is having a good mood, since he going to meet his boyfriend after all. Walking down the streets with his true form, M/n walk in completely peaceful silence but still amusing about how other demons immediately give him a pathway for him to walk or quickly leave the streets as if they don't want to stay on the same streets with him.

As M/n walk, he saw Nancy and her friends who seem bullied on swan demon which M/n immediately recognize that the swan demon is Kai's girlfriend when they met for first time.

No need time to waste, M/n immediately make his way toward the girls. As soon as M/n reach, he saw Nancy is holding something which looks like some book in her hand and knowing what she will do to the book, M/n quickly grab it from her hands, startling the girls as M/n walk toward the swan demon and holding his hand out.

"You're alright?" M/n ask softly and the swan demon nodded, accept the hand offer and M/n quickly help to stand up.

"Hey, who do you think you are!" M/n heard Nancy called out and this make M/n turn around with his heterochromia eyes glaring at the girls making the girls flinched at the glare but Nancy who immediately recognize the beautiful fox demon quickly tensed up. "I-I-It's you!" Nancy shout, pointing towards the fox demon who do nothing but just click his tongue.

"Y'know, pointing at someone is incredibly rude, right?" With that, M/n grab the swan demon's wrist and drag her away from the scene, ignore about how Nancy try to take his attention away from the swan demon.

As M/n and the stranger walk away from the Nancy and her group of friends, M/n glance at the swan demon. "You're alright?" M/n asked and the swan demon nodded shyly, to think that the most beautiful demon is standing in front of her. "Y-Yes, thank you...." The swan demon thanked to M/n who just nodded. "Are you going somewhere?" M/n ask curiously and the swan demon nodded.

"Y-Y eah, I'm g-going to meet my boyfriend..."


"B-Bistro Café..."

The swan demon said and M/n nodded again, using his portal to teleport the swan demon to Bistro Café where she saw that her boyfriend is waiting for her, standing at outside the café. Meanwhile with Kai, he waiting for his girlfriend, startled when he saw a portal suddenly appeared right beside him, and that's where he saw the most beautiful fox demon and his girlfriend behind the portal.

"What the-!"

"Hey man! Here special delivery for a bastard bestie name Kyle Smith!"

"Say wha-M/n? Is that you?"

Kai stared at the fox demon in confuse as soon as he recognizes the voice.

"Yeah, it's me alright."

"You're look like a girl, honestly. I even didn't recognize you."

"Welp, always get that most of time. Look, your girlfriend of yours here, being bullied by Nancy and her friends where I decide to save her away from those bitches. And you need to keep this secret."

Kai look confuse as he helps his girlfriend walkthrough the portal.


"I'll tell you after we watch cinema. See ya!"

With that, M/n close the portal, leaving Kai and his girlfriend standing in front the café. There's something that make the swan demon realize.



I hope you guys love it and please tell me about it! (^▽^)

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