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SPLOTCHES OF BLOOD COVERED THE WALLS. [Name] looked at the towering figure with pure horror. The scent of blood mixed with a scent that would always remind her of this tragedy filled her nose. She sat on the corner of the room, hugging her knees and covering her mouth, making sure she isn't making any noise. Her body is limp, she couldn't move a thing. Sound of him feasting on her mother's limp body made her spines went cold. After being satisfied, the figure tilted its head to face [Name].

[Name]'s body went cold as she saw the features of this peculiar man. His skin was as pale as the snow and his crimson red eyes are glowing.

A demon.

"Oh? What do we have here?", it spoke up.

The demon's voice sounds like that of a man. He sounds calm, but intimidating.

Just as he was about to reach out and grab [Name], another figure stood behind him.

"Don't touch her!" the figure yelled. And with that, a slashing sound was heard as blood splashed out of the demon as it yelled in agony. The figure who seemed to injure the demon grabbed [Name] and ran as far as he could.

[Name]'s vision is blurred due to tears. She wiped her tears with her hands and could finally recognize who's grabbing her. It was her brother, Saito Hiroko. He finally set her down in a bush and looked around. He then looked at her face, giving a reassuring smile as he caressed her cheek.

"Stay here, okay? Your big brother is going to protect you."

[Name] nodded quietly, as tears started flowing down here cheeks again.

Hiroko took of what seems to be a necklace and put it on his sister's neck. He knew that he won't be able to make it, especially if it was him whom he is fighting. He then grabbed something from his pocket. It was a small pouch filled with a small amount of Wisteria, enought to haul demons away. That was the only thing that kept him alive throughout the slaughter. He knew it was either him or his sister, and he chose his sister. He placed the pouch carefully on his sister's hands and wrapped her fingers on it.

"These things will keep you safe." he smiled as he kissed her forehead, one last time, "Now, I want you to run, run as fast as you can, don't look back, okay?"

"W-what about you?", [Name] replied, her lips trembling. She didn't want to leave his brother behind.

"Don't worry about m–"

Before Hiroko could finish his sentence, he was grabbed by the head. [Name] hesitantly looked up to the figure who grabbed her brother. It was the demon. The same demon who feasted on her family, the same demon her brother injured and the same demon who was coming for her.

"Found you." he growled.

He started clenching his on Hiroko's face, making his skull crack slowly. The sound, the damned sound, [Name] could hear it clearly. She wish she was deaf. She wished that her hearing wasn't as keen.

"R-run, [N-[Name]!", Hiroko struggled as he warned his sister, "Run! W-while y-you still can!"

"No!" [Name] yelled, tears streaming down her face violently, "I can't leave you to die!"

"Don't worry about me!" was the last thing he said, before the demon crushed his skull completely, blood dripping down to the soft white snow, staining it red. A horrific thing for a 12 year old to see. The demon dropped Hiroko's headless body to the ground and stomped on it. He fixed his attention on the cowering child.

"Your brother," he said coldly, "talk too much."

The demon was about to grab her again, but she was fast—way faster than he'd imagine a child could be. She dodged his hand and ran, just like her brother told her. She ran and ran, as far as her feet could take her, dodging the demon's hands with her sense of smell and hearing. She wanted to make it out alive. She wanted to live and grow.

She didn't want her brother to die in vain.

[Name] stopped running, she looked back. No signs of the demon. She panted and tried to catch for air, but that all resulted in her falling into a nearby bush and blacking out completely.

for those of you who are wondering, this is a flashback of [name]'s tragic background. i also apologize for the short entry! :(
edited 12/02/20

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