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[Name] looked at her surroundings, the dirt and dry leaves crunching under her, Tanjiro's and Urokodaki's feet. It's night time, which explains the lowering temperature. The trees did a great job in isolating the place from the moonlight. The deafening silence makes [Name] sick. She's starting to gasp for air, too. The air is so thin up here. She wasn't even sure if there are any.

After what seemed to be ages, Urokodaki finally stopped. [Name] realized that they are now at the peak of Mt. Sagiri.

Urokodaki turned to them, saying, "Now, from here, go back down to he house at the foot of the mountain," He moved his gaze at Tanjiro, "This time, I'm not going to wait until daybreak."

With that, a thick mist enveloped his figure and he disappeared.

"That's..." [Name] managed to speak up, causing Tanjiro to whip his head at her, "...it?"

Tanjiro then grinned widely, "Then that should be easy! We can still track him by his scent!"

[Name] furrowed her brows. There's something off. This test, it's too easy.

Before she could say anything, Tanjiro had already ran down the hill. She followed him and shouted.

"Tanjiro! Wait!"

"There's no time to wait, [Name]!" he hollered back, "We have to make it before sunrise!"

"There's something off! The test is too easy!" [Name] yelled, "If it really is the test that will determine our qualification for the Demon Slayer Corps, then it shouldn't be-"

[Name] was cut off when she heard a sound, as if something was getting closer. She ducked and managed to dodge whatever was coming at her. Unfortunately for Tanjiro, he got hit. He fell to the ground, putting his hand on the place where he got hit.

'Traps...' [Name] thought, as she examined the place carefully, 'Of course! Urokodaki-san wanted to test out our senses!'

She held out a hand to Tanjiro and helped him get up.

"This place," she said to him, "Is probably full of traps. We have to be careful."

"Yeah..." Tanjiro groaned as he grabbed her hand and stood up, "I shouldn't have underestimated it."

"You okay?" [Name] asked as she tried to look for the bruise.

"Yeah," Tanjiro replied, "Now let's go, we have to be down there before sunrise."


The two ran down the hill, avoiding as much traps as possible. Although, [Name]'s senses really helped a lot, it doesn't mean that they could avoid all traps. They got hit a couple of times and fell into a couple holes. Fatigue also get the best of them.

The two stopped on their tracks and put their hands on their knees, gasping for air. The air is alarmingly thin, it's getting really hard for them to breathe.

'S-shit!' [Name] cursed mentally, 'I can't breathe! If I let this suffocation continue, I'm going to pass out and not make it on time!'

[Name] slowly tilted her head to where Tanjiro is. He was gasping for air as well.

'What are we going to do? Think! Think!'

[Name] then struggled as she attempted to get her breathing under control. Her gasps slowed down as she finally regained control of her breathing. Tanjiro noticed what she was doing and did the same. After the two had their breathing perfectly under control, they inhaled deeply and focused.

Tanjiro tracked some of the traps by scent, while [Name] by sound. They worked together. Tanjiro helped [Name] and himself dodge those traps that weren't making an audible sound, while [Name] helped herself and Tanjiro avoid traps that weren't giving off a scent that Tanjiro could pick up.

After all the harshness, they finally made it to the foot of Mt. Sagiri. They stumbled their way to the house and placed a hand on the door railing for support. [Name] and Tanjiro was a mess. Their hair wasn't in good shape, their face stained with dirt and blood. Wounds are all over them.

"We- we h-have- returned." was all Tanjiro managed to say, before both he and [Name] passed out of exhaust.

A flashback of Giyu's letter played in Urokodaki's mind.

Forgive my abruptness, Mr. Sakonji Urokodaki.

I'm sending a boy and a girl your way who wants to become a Demon Slayer swordsman. The boy was brazen enough to attack me unarmed. Apparently, the girl is a Saito who was then adopted by the boy's family. Their whole family was slaughtered by a demon, and the surviving younger sister, has become one, but I'm determined that she will not attack humans. I can sense something different about these three. Like yourself, the boy seems to have a keen sense of smell. The young Saito, however, has both a keen sense of smell and hearing. Perhaps, they'll find a way to break through and become your heir apparent. I am asking you to train them. I am aware that this is a self-service request, but please forgive me. I hope that you will take good care of yourself in your endeavors.

Yours truly,
Tomioka Giyu

The old man looked at the the two youngster who is now already sleeping. Tanjiro was leaning to the door rail and [Name] leaning onto his shoulders. They both looked worn out.

"I accept you two as my student, Kamado Tanjiro and Saito [Name]."

i'm really sorry again for the slow updates! and also for another short chapter, i'm really really sorry :( finals are coming soon so i've been busy reviewing, but i'm trying really hard to update,,

also, just a heads up: my finals will start on dec 11 and ends at dec 18, so i think in that one week, this book will be in a "on-hold" condition.

again, i'm really sorry! :(

edited 12/02/20

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