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THE YOUNG SAITO DRAGGED HERSELF DEEPER INTO THE DARK AND GLOOMY FOREST. She groaned as she felt her stomach rumble, yearning for something to eat.

[Name] stopped at a tree and decided to sit there for awhile and dug her hands into her pockets inside her haori, searching for the onigiri she had brought with herself. [Name]'s face lit up as she grab hold of it and take it out of her pocket, unwrapping it, getting ready to devour it.

Just as [Name] was ready to eat, the ground started to shake and the onigiri fell over to the ground, making [Name] stare at it, her eyes twitching in annoyance.

[Name] groaned and stood up, getting ready to move but then she heard footsteps–giant footsteps– approaching. It sounded heavy against the dusty ground. A horrid smell then found a way to her nostrils, making her bring up her hand to her nose. [Name] was forced to hold in her barf in disgust.

The girl's ears then perked up as she heard someone.

"I didn't know about this!" the voice yelled in pure terror, "I wasn't told about this!"

[Name] peeked out of her hiding place to see where it was coming from. She saw a male demon slayer running away from something. Her eyes widened as she saw that the demon slayer was running from a humongous demon with hands all over its body. Its skin was a dirty dark green and its eyes were bright yellow. One of the demon's hands were holding an unconscious demon slayer. To [Name]'s horror, the demon brought up the unconscious body to the air, opened its mouth wide and devoured the demon slayer whole. [Name] cringed as she could hear clearly the crunching of the bones. [Name] peeked through the trees and finally got a good look at what's going on. [Name]'s eyes widened when she saw that the kid who was running earlier had tripped over, and the demon was reaching one of its hands out to grab the kid. The young female Saito's breath hitched and her breathing got quicker as she retreated back into the shadows of the trees. Her body was trembling and her hands were shaking frantically, her sword almost falling onto the ground.

'He's going to die,' she thought to herself, 'He's going to die if I don't do anything... But I can't move my body, I can't-'

'Fight! Fight it! Fight the fear!' her inner self scolded her.

[Name] peeked again. The demon's hands were now only inches away from the young demon slayer's head. A flash of memory then crossed [Name]'s mind, her mouth open agape, the gasp that came out of her mouth quickly turned to a low growl full of hatred and anger. She then noticed that Tanjiro was also peeking. She gave a nod to him, signaling him to also come out.

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She lunged herself onto one of the trees and then jumping to another and soon flunged herself towards the demon's hand and sliced it clean, her eyes covered by her bangs. Another arm came for her, but was quickly cut by Tanjiro, who followed [Name].

"I..." she said, her tone very low, anger clearly projected in it, "...won't let the same thing happen twice."

She flipped on the air and landed perfectly, followed by Tanjiro. She fixed her posture and closed the distance between her two feet and looked up at the demon. Her eyes were glowing with loath. Her eyebrows were almost stitched together and her arm was grasping her sword's handle so hard that a small crack could be heard repeatedly. She relaxed her arm muscles a little bit, but still grasping it and getting and ready to charge again. [Name] and Tanjiro stood in front of the other demon slayer protectively.

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