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EVEN THOUGH BOTH TANJIRO AND [NAME] HAD TRAINED EVERYDAY TO LIMP SUBMISSION. But still, none of them could surpass Sabito. He, to them, was far beyond a difficult opponent.

"Dammit!" [Name] cursed under her breath as she is now on the ground for the seventh time. She quickly stood up and dusted off the dirt on her clothing as she gripped on her sword harder and ran for the peach-haired boy, gritting her teeth.

Sabito managed to block her attack and was quick to return her attack. However, the young Saito was quicker. She jumped up high in the air and charged him from above. [Name] successfully pinned Sabito to the ground. Just as Sabito was about to get up, she pointed her sword at his neck.

"Just..." she panted, "...stay...down..."

Sabito did as she told him to do. [Name] then lifted her sword and insert it back into its case. Her legs then felt weak and she fell to side, still trying to catch her breath.

Tanjiro, who was observing the fight quickly ran up to her, worried.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah," [Name] replied as she managed to breathe at a slower pace, "I guess so..."

[Name] was about to stand up but her body then stumbled forward. If it weren'r for Tanjiro's hands, her face would have merged with the earth by now.

Tanjiro is getting more concerned, "You need to take a rest, I'm sure a little rest is fine..."

"No!" [Name] bellowed, "A demon slayer never rests!"

Tanjiro was amazed by her determination, but as a brother, he was worried for [Name]. He's been noticing some changes coming from his sister. Her eyes are sunken and there are dark circles under her eyes. She looks worn out and her eyes look extremely tired. She can't even walk that straight anymore. Even a child could tell that she's been sleep deprived.

"[Name], I know how important being a demon slayer is to you, but please, take care of yourself as well!" Tanjiro yelled worriedly while gently shaking [Name]'s shoulders.

[Name]'s eyes widen. He was right, she's been putting everything before herself. These past few days she's been training non-stop. Not even the moon could stop her from doing so. She'd train with Sabito until late night, and sometimes she didn't even sleep. Although Sabito had insisted that she get the amount of rest she deserves, [Name] would always beg so that she can train further more. Giving up, Sabito agreed to do so.

"I'm sorry..." [Name] muttered.

"That's alright," Tanjiro smiled reassuringly, "Just reat for now, okay? I'm sure Sabito's alright with that."

Tanjiro then turned his head to the side, "Right, Sabito?"

However, the peach-haired boy was no where in sight.


Both of them just shrugged it off, thinking that he had went back home to take a rest as well.


It was snowing heavily. Sabito emerged from the trees, this time bringing a real sword and not a wooden one. Another boy of his age wearing a black haori followed. He has raven hair that is trimmed to an undercut. His face is stoic and his steel grey eyes show no emotion. His tall and slender body made him look intimidating. Sabito stood in front of Tanjiro, while the other boy stood in front of [Name].

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍, knyWhere stories live. Discover now