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[NAME] WOKE UP WITH A START BUT WAS FORCED TO LAY BACK DOWN BECAUSE OF HER POUNDING HEAD. [Name] groaned in pain and irritation, muttering a few curse words as she waited for the headache to ease itself.

"Fucking hell..." [Name] groaned.

"Oh! You're finally awake," a voice exclaimed in annoyance, "Thank the heavens! I was about to leave you here alone."

Tanjiro? No... His voice isn't like this...

[Name] slowly sat up and turned her head to the side. Her vision was still unclear. She yawned and scratched her eyes as she focused her sight on the source of the voice. Looking down at her lying figure was a male with scarred face and messy patch of black hair.

"GAHHH!" [Name] yelled, crawling backwards as the male was taken aback at her yell, "Who are you?!"

"None of your business!" He retorted, "...You're that famous Saito aren't ya? Everyone thought you were actually dead."

"How...? What?" [Name] trailed off as she looked around, noticing something's quite off, "...Where's Tanjiro?"

The male who seemed to be looking around for any sneaky demons yelled, while still looking around, "HAAAAH?"
(a/n: i can hear bakugo in this LOLOLOL)

He turned his head towards her now, "What are you talking about? You were completely alone, just conveniently lying here on the ground."

"...What?" [Name] muttered, furrowing her eyes in confusion as she slowly got up and dust away the dirt from her outfit, "I clearly remember I was with Tanjiro before I..."

The male sighed as he approached [Name], "You're either seeing things or you just got abandoned."

[Name] looked down, her brows almost stitched together.

'Tanjiro would never do that...' [Name] was too deep in thought that she did not realize the male was desperately trying to get her attention by calling her, '...or will he? But why?'

Now becoming impatient, the male noticed a small pebble near him. A mischievous smile was plastered across his face as he took the pebble in his hands. When he was about to give [Name] a good ol' headshot, [Name] was back to reality. She blinked a few times and looked up to see the male doing a rather absurd pose.

The male noticed it and drooped his head low in despair as he sweat-dropped, "Dammit! You just ruined it, ya know?!"

"Sorry..." [Name] blurted, a hint of confusion in her voice, "Did you say something...?"

"Whatever," the male huffed as he walked away but then stopped when he realize that [Name] was not following. He looked back and gave her a weird look.

"What?" [Name] asked, completely clueless.

"You going or what?"

There was silence for a while before [Name] responded, "U-uh! Y-yeah..."


Tanjiro scolded himself mentally while he was slicing up demons.

'How... how did I let this happen?!'

Tanjiro was carrying her on his back. Suddenly, a demon jumped out of the bushes and attacked them. Tanjiro loses his balance and fell, losing grip of [Name]. The demon grabbed Tanjiro and threw him afar and was about to devour [Name]. Whilst Tanjiro was unfortunately met with another demon, luckily for [Name], a certain male happen to pass by and came to her aid.

'Dammit!' Tanjiro cursed in his mind, 'I have to go back before another demon came up and devour her!'

Just as Tanjiro slayed the demon that was giving a hard time, he caught scent of another demon. He looked up and saw another starving demon about to prey him. He gripped his sword and clicked his tongue.

'I'm sorry for saying this selfish statement but please hold on a little longer, [Name]!'

He thought he could go after all that. But he was wrong. The demons won't stop coming. He quickly slashed all of their heads and fled, before anymore could come and hold him back. Tanjiro's heart dropped when he saw that [Name] was no longer there. Negative thoughts rushed through his head. He quickly shook them away.

"There's no blood..." Tanjiro tried to reassure himself, "I guess she woke up and left... I have to apologize to her later."

He put his sword back into its case and ran towards the East.


It was a quiet and awkward run for [Name] and Scarface (as quotted by [Name] herself).

"Hey, Scarface."
"Don't call me Scarface."

"I don't know your name yet, but what I wanted to say was..."

The male glanced at her as [Name] turned to him and smiled, "thank you."

The male's eyes widen as he quickly looked away. [Name] tilted her head in confusion but quickly brushed it off.

"Yeah... No problem." He murmured, "Take care of yourself and don't slack up next time."

A thick mark appeared on her forehead, "I didn't slack off! I passed out!"

"HAAAH? What a lame excuse." the male replied, unamused.

[Name] opened her mouth and furrowed her brows, seeming offended, "HAAAH? I really did pass out you know!"

"Well, you're a weak ass then." the male snickered and ran faster.

[Name] noticed and yelled, "Hey! Wait for me! Scarface!"

When the male heard that, his ears perked up and a thick red mark appeared on his head. Instead of slowing down, he increased his speed.

"WAIT FOR MEEEEE!" [Name] quickened her speed and almost catch up to him, her voice echoing as a demon who was hiding behind a tree covered his ears.

'Shut up!' the demon said in his mind.

Although they were in the middle of a deathly test, for a second, the two teens seem to forget it and laughed as they chased each other and bickered, before another demon pounced on the male. He pushed the demon away from him and stood up, helped by [Name]. He then looked over to [Name], a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oi Saito..." he smirked, looking at the demon with no fear whatsoever, "I bet you can't do this."

hellooooo!! i'm sorry i just updated, i forgot i actually have an ongoing book ㅠㅡㅠ
n e ways, short interaction with another character? can you guess who? well, it's pretty obvious at this point i guess HAHA
i'm sorry for the short entry! :(

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