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author's note !
since what the male character from the previous chapter was about to do isn't in the anime yet so i count it as spoilers, so i will not write it in this story, sorry! so what happens in this chapter is after a time skip from the previous chapter :)



THE YOUNG SAITO AND THE MALE SHE HAD MET COINCIDENTALLY WALKED SIDE BY SIDE IN SILENCE. The silence was becoming more deafening and awkward, so [Name] decided to break the ice.

"That thing you did there just now... it was actually cool. Were you born with it?"

The male hummed, [Name] wasn't sure to take it as a yes or a no, but she did not want to push any further.

"You're a marechi too, huh?" he asked.

[Name] hummed an answer as the male continued to speak, "You really are a Saito, huh... Do you have those special abilities too?"

"What do you mean?" [Name] is now facing her companion, visibly confused, "The one like you just did? Totally not. I'm not that special. I don't really get the deal of what's so special with me, really. Everytime people heard my name, specifically my last name, they're always shocked."

"You really don't know, huh..." The male sighed, "You Saitos are one of the most powerful family, your bloodline are all demon slayers from generation to generation. They also have a unique abilities."

"How so?" [Name] questioned, getting more and more curious, she took out her necklace and fiddled with it, "I don't recall my brother telling me about us Saito having unique abilities."

It is now night time again, and they have only a few more days until this hellish test ends. The moon is shining brightly, illuminating the forest with bluish tint. [Name]'s pendant reflecting the moon's beautiful glow.

[Name]'s companion glanced at her necklace and said, "So I was right. You really are the surviving Saito."

"So what was this unique ability you mentioned?"

"Well, my brother once knew a Saito. They were technically best friends. He was able to control a demon's movements at his will just by tasting their blood."

"That's cool... I didn't know anyone from my family with that ability. I think you might have been thinking about another person with the same surname-" [Name] was shocked by what she heard next.

"No, I'm sure I got the right Saito." the male simply said, "He looks like an older male version of you and always talked about you, [Name] right? He always talked about how one day his little sister–you–would become a pillar and how sure he was of it."

Unbeknownst to the two, a demon had been secretly eyeing them as the corner of his mouth tugged into a creepy smile, "Two marechis... and they're all for me!"

"My brother had that kind of ability?" [Name] furrowed her brows in confusion, "No way... my brother's cooler than I thought!"

"O-oi, you're really going to tease him from here?" The male sweat dropped.

"I really thought he was just an ordinary idiot!" [Name] continued as the male sweat dropped and was trying to get her to be quiet.

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍, knyWhere stories live. Discover now