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"He wants us..." [Name] trailed off, "to slice this boulder?"

The boulder stood before their own eyes, maybe proud of it's toughness. It looks like it's been there for ages. God knows how long the boulder had been there.

"I mean," [Name] started again, "We've practiced a lot so this should be easy, right?"

For a second, she was confident. But her confidence soon died down.


Tanjiro noticed her obvious decreasing optimism. He was shocked because he'd never seen her this pessimistic.

"Ah-!" Tanjiro then pumped his fist to the air, "[Name]! You're a strong girl! You can do this! Just remember the training!"

Words that come out of Tanjiro's mouth have the power to always bring one's spirit up. A wide grin spread around [Name]'s face as she gripped her katana tightly.

"You're right," [Name] exclaimed with spirit, "Let's do this!"

Tanjiro only beamed looking at [Name] getting all hyped up. Two years ago, she was the girl who would always cower in the corner, mumbling words, and crying. Now, she is one of the strongest and bravest girl he has ever known. She has developed in character a lot.

[Name] raised her katana in the air as she got her breathing under control, "Ready, Tanjiro?"


Both of them striked the boulder with equal force in the same time, expecting the boulder to slice, but all they get in response is shiver going through their body. Both of them backed away and sat on the ground due to the impact.

'What?!' [Name] mentally yelled in disbelief.

She stood up again, went near the tree nearby and sliced it.

'I can slice this tree,' [Name] thought as she peered over her shoulder, taking a glimpse at the rock, 'I should've been able to slice that rock.'

"Are you okay, [Name]?"

She heard Tanjiro's voice calling out to her.

"I'm alright!," She replied as she ran back to Tanjiro, "But I'm trying to figure out how to slice this boulder."

"I'm sure there's a way." Tanjiro said with positivity.

"Yeah," [Name] replied, putting a finger under her chin, "But I just think it's weird that I can slice anything but this rock."

"We have to keep trying and remember all the training we underwent." Tanjiro insisted.

"You're right."

Not a single day or night was spent without the duo draining themselves just to slice the rock. They stroke the rock so hard that their skin was scabbed due to the friction of the handle. There was no doubt that their skin won't get rough.

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍, knyWhere stories live. Discover now