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"H-HOW CAN I FINISH HIM OFF?" Tanjiro stuttered, desperate to get some answers from the man.

"Don't ask me!" The man replied sharply, "Can't you use your own head to figure it out?"

'Well, this man's quite harsh...' [Name] thought.

'If stabbing is no good,' Tanjiro's own voice rang in his mind, 'then I'll have to crush his head.'

Tanjiro then grabbed a nearby rock as he held it up with his shaking hands, getting ready to hit the demon's head over and over. From the looks of his face, [Name] could tell that Tanjiro was hesitant. [Name]'s brows dropped down, showing a hint of sadness and pity for the demon.

'Even though he may have hurt many people...' [Name] sighed, 'His death shouldn't be as slow and painful as this...'

The man with the Tengu mask only stood behind them, examining the children quietly. The man, too, had a keen sense of smelling. He could smell the scent of generosity radiating from them.

'Even when facing a demon, their scent of generosity still remains... They emphatize for demons,' He said in his head, 'Giyu... They're not going to make it.'

But then there is another scent. The scent that made the man slightly surprised. The scent of a Saito.

'Weren't the whole family murdered that night?'

The man's thoughts were quickly interrupted when he saw the young Saito shook and fell to the ground abruptly. [Name] did a great job in holding back her pain, but it made her lose a lot of energy and thus making her pass out. Tanjiro's attention was too glued to the demon's head, that now has awoken and is clawing at Tanjiro. The man quickly brought [Name] to the temple and rested her against the wall as he fixed up her wound.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

Tanjiro fixated his eyes at the blabbering demon, still frozen at his place, not knowing to do anything. He then noticed that the sun was rising. By the time he fixed his attention to the demon again, he was already burning and disintegrating into ash.

Tanjiro dropped the rock in horror. Now he knew why Nezuko wanted to avoid the sun really badly. He quickly ran inside the temple and was relieved to find Nezuko was well. He then noticed [Name] sleeping peacefully against the wall. Tanjiro was lying if he wasn't concerned. He went up to [Name] and put his hands on her neck, checking if she still has pulse. Tanjiro let out a breath of relief as he could still feel her pulse. He looked around and notice that the bodies were now gone.

"O-Oh, that's right," Tanjiro said, remembering about that man from earlier, "Where's that man?"

»»————- ✼ ————-««

[Name] slowly opened her eyes. She was still sleepy and a little bit dizzy, her eyes were only half open, until she heard a loud slap from outside. Her eyes opened real wide. She stood up and peaked outside only to see that her adoptive brother has been slapped across the face by that man with the Tengu mask.

'What the hell is going on?' [Name] asked in her head, not able to process the scene that just unfold in front of her eyes.

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍, knyWhere stories live. Discover now