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Ryan's POV

"Ryan, you've been in the bathroom for an hour. Get out!" Ariana shouts.

"There are 5 other bathrooms in this house. Go use another one!" I shout back.

Mornings or any other time of day is hectic in the Jordan household. You'd think in a house this big avoiding each other would be possible but no, it's not. Its either you find Austin and Dallas' friends everywhere or Ariana and her friends everywhere.

I was currently trying to tame my wild mane of black curls. Which was not working.

"Mama!" She's the only one who can handle my hair. Kenya has become a big part of my life. I may treat her badly sometimes out of anger but she doesn't stop treating me like her own. Amara on the other hand is just a waste of space.

"Figured your hair was the problem." My mom-Kenya- walks in the bathroom chuckling, "My hair also gets on my nerves sometimes but remember that it is the crown that best suits you, young black women." She puts it in a high bun and lays my edges, in less than 15 minutes. I've been in here an hour and she does it in 15 minutes.

"Thanks mom."

"Anytime babe. Breakfast is ready."

"I'll be right there." I absentmindedly say. I stare at my reflection in the floor length mirror behind the bathroom door.

You're a strong black woman, okay! Don't let your past define your future.

With that I had into my room to grab my bag and head down for breakfast.

"Morning daddy. Nitwits." I greet my father and my siblings.

"Cruella." Austin and Dallas reply. My dad gives a faint morning as he reads the paper.

"Father. Mother. Are you coming to my art exhibition tomorrow night?" I ask as I pour myself a bowl of cereal.

"I can't..." My dad begins but my mom interrupts.

"Matthew." Everyone in the house knew that when mom calls dad by his second name or anyone for that matter the discussion is over.

"We'll all be there." He says after.

I don't know if I'm overthinking the situation but I think my parents are fighting. I've overheard them arguing at night after the twins and Ariana are asleep. Mom says that I shouldn't worry about it, but dad has been having some late nights and a lot more business trips.

At 07h45 we leave the house and embark on the 45 minute drive to the historic hell called Covington Hills Academy. I hate this place so much, as do most kids. The school is filled with the kids of Hollywood's elite. From politicians, to directors, to CEO's of fortune 500 companies. You name it.

How popular you are is dependent on your parents net worth. This is divided into three categories. Billionaires. Millionaires. Charity cases. Category one is the important one of cause. In order to be classified into this category your parents has to have a net worth of more than a billion dollars. My mom-Kenya- alone has a net worth of $3,5 billion dollars, Amara has a net worth of $100 million dollars and my dad has a net worth of $145 million dollars. Which brings 'my' total net worth to approximately $3,8 billion dollars.

Despite my ranking, I chose to hang with the category twos and threes. Specifically the category threes. The charity cases have parents with net worths below a million or they are here on a scholarship. Upon arrival at the school I can already hear the noise despite being in the car and having headphones on.

"Bye mama." I say to my mom before kissing her on the cheek and exiting the car.

"Enjoy your day!" She manages to get out before I close the door. My brothers and I have a understanding, the moment we get out the car we don't know each other. They go their way, I go mine.

I don't normally socialize, I mean I have friends but we see each during lunch the most so in the morning I usually go to my locker to grab the things I need and put away the things I don't before heading to homeroom or what ever first period was.

Everything is normal until after the second bell rings when Principal Du Pont walks in with a student who doesn't look familiar.

"Fresh meat!" Joey McGee, son of Ronald McGee and Tanya McGee, legendary authors and screenwriters, exclaims.

"Silence, Mr. McGee. Good morning students. This is Mason Rhodes, I trust that you'll give him the warm Covington Hills Academy welcome. " She says with a nod and walks out.

"Ms. Jordan, put up your hand." I do as instructed.

"Have a sit next to her. Right role call. Addams." Mr. Ramirez says. The guy, Mason walks over to the empty desk to my right and sits and just stares at the whiteboard in front of him. Say hi you nitwit. He doesn't look like he wants to talk. Just do it. No don't do it. The voices in my head argue and the social voice wins the argument and against my better judgment I introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Ryan Leigh." I sheepishly say.

"Hey. Mason Kyle."

"So what classes do you have? I could show you around or something?"

"That'd be great." He shows me his schedule and we have the exact same schedules.

We get to talking a bit before Layla Fitzpatrick, daughter to the hotel mogul, Andrea Fitzpatrick mentions Mason's parent's occupation.

"Are your parents Linda and Conner Rhodes? Of Rhodes Manufacturing?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well we have a space at our table if you want to come chill with us at lunch."

"I'll keep that in mind." He says before he turns around and faces me." What was that all about?"

"This is a strange question but what's your parents net worth?"

"Uhmmm, about 3 billion or so, give or take a couple of millions."

"You've just been put in the first category." I see the confused look on his face as I explain what I meant.

"That's stupid. Like really stupid." He says after explaining to him what I meant.

"What category are you in?"

"Category 1. 'I' have a net worth of $3.8 billion dollars. But I chose to hang with the millionaires and charity cases. " I reply. He stares at me for a while as if studying me.

"I see a beginning of a very good friendship." Mason says after 5 minutes.

Becoming Ryan-Leigh(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now