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"I'm not supposed to tell you this, but she's pregnant."

"Wait, what? She's like 41 years old. Is it even possible?"


"I mean how? They've been fighting for months now."

"She told me about 2 and half months ago." I think back 2 and a half months. Nairobi.

"They went to Nairobi, Kenya about 3 or 4 months ago. How far along did she say she is?"

"That trip makes sense. Because she's 3 months pregnant."

"Oh my smack of potatoes and gelato." My mom's pregnant. That's 6 kids. All 25 and under.

"Enough of that drama. Tell me something juicy."

"Oh there's nothing happening."

"Oh, so Mason is not something worth telling your older sister about." Naomi says with a smirk so wide I want to slap it off her face.

"How do you know?"

"This little thing called Instagram. You guys posted each other. Are you guys like Instagram official now?"

"No. We're not even a couple. He's a friend."

"I want to meet him. Do you go to school together?"

"Yes we do. He lives up the road also." I thought her smirk couldn't get any wider but it did.

"Ryan and Mason sit..." thankfully my mom interrupts her by calling us in for a late lunch early dinner.

We head inside and surprisingly my dad is also at the table. Naomi and I share a knowing look and she heads over to greet him.


"Hey baby girl. How's South Africa? You still in Johannesburg?"

"Its great. Ryan and I were talking about her coming to visit this summer. And Johannesburg is amazing. But I might be moving to Cape Town for this research thing at school." Despite the information shared between me and my sister, the meal went on without any hiccups. It was like the good ole times. Unfortunately things were going to change drastically for everyone.

At 7, I was sitting with Naomi on the swing set outside when Mason facetimed me.


"BunBun. What are you up too?"

"I'm on the swings with Naomi. Mo say hi."

"Hi Mason." Naomi says with that stupid smirk on her face.

"Hey. It's great to finally put a face to the name and the many things I've heard about you."

"Ncaaaaaw. You love me?" She says looking at me.

"At the moment, no." I say with a glare.

"I'll give you kids some time alone. Jet lag is kicking in right now. It was nice meeting you Mason."

"You too."

"So Ryan-Leigh Jordan, I have something to ask you."

"Well ask away Mason Kyle Rhodes." There is a long pause before he speaks again.

"Will you go out with me?" I look up from the stick I was kicking at my feet, Mason's face is flustered.

"Took you long enough."

"Wait, what?" He says shocked.

"I'v been waiting for you to ask me out. I figured you were going to do it after Layla's party when we were sitting in the theater room."

Becoming Ryan-Leigh(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now