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Mason and I ended up sitting together at lunch instead of with my normal group of friends, mainly because I enjoyed Mason's company. Plus he said he doesn't want to socialize at the moment.

"So, want to get some ice-cream or something?" I ask as we walk out the door at the end of the day.

"Uhmm. Sure. But we need to fetch my little sister first." He says.

"Okay. Lemme call my mom."


"Ry-Ry. I'm on my way."

"Actually I'm going to go get ice-cream with my friend."

"Oh okay. I'll see you at home then. I love you."

"I love you too mama." I hang up and walk towards Mason. He's standing in front of a silver G63 AMG.

"Nice car."

"Thanks." He gets into the driver's side while I get in the passenger side. The car has red interior and some carbon fiber linings here and there.

"How old is your sister?

"She's 12. Do you have any siblings?

"Yep. I have an older sister and 2 younger brothers and a little sister."

"Whoa. Do you all live together?"

"My older sister, Naomi is in South Africa for school. Then the other 3, unfortunately live with me."

"I mean my little sister annoys me so much, I couldn't imagine having more siblings. What's the age difference between you all?"

"Naomi is 7 years older than me. Austin and Dallas are one year younger and Ariana is 6 years younger."

"Austin and Dallas?? Twins?"

"Yeah. Austin is the spawn of satan and Dallas is the sweet one." I say as we stop in front of a school not far from our school.

"I'll be right back." Mason informs me and heads out the car.

Mason is so sexy. He's tall with a very light complexion. The Covington Hills Academy uniform looks sooo good on him. The navy cardigan and beige pants with a white golf t-shirt looks like it was made for him. He has his brunette in a man bun.

I'm snapped out of daydream when the back door on the left side opens and in comes a short blonde girl with a red an grey uniform and a canvas in her hand.

"Hi. I'm Violet. What's your name?" She says with so much enthusiasm and fascination.

"Hi. I'm Ryan-Leigh. Nice drawing."


We went to a ice-cream parlour and ended up going back to Mason's house which is in the same gated community as my house. So going back home won't be difficult. And wow. It looks as big as mine. Just that, they had a long driveway and a separate area for the cars and his house was a greyish blue compared to our beige.

"When did you move in? This house has been empty for some time now." I say as we head to the large oak doors.

"My parents have been here a month. Violet and I came here yesterday. I'm originally from Chicago."

"No way. My mom's from Chicago. My aunt and uncle moved back there 10 years ago."

Despite his parents being living here, the house looks empty. There are some decorations here and there and some artwork on the wall. Violet disappears into one of the rooms on the left side of the foyer. Mason leads me up the spiraling staircase, and heading into the 3rd door on the left. His room has black walls with grey details. He's got a king sized bed in the middle of the room. There are 2 doors on either side of the room and I'm guessing it's the bathroom and a closet. I notice something near the window.

"You paint?"

"Yeah. Here and there. You?"

"Yeah. Do you mind?" I ask pointing at the paintings in front of the window.

"Go ahead." I grab one. It's a portrait of Violet playing with a dog. This painting is so detailed. There's an apple tree. A little white shed behind the tree.

"Mason. This is... Beautiful. You're really, really good."


"The school's having a art exhibition tomorrow. I have a couple of pieces on show. You should come."

"I don't know. My parents are in Africa at the moment. The maid leaves at around 6, who'd watch Violet." He says.

"Bring her with. I'd like for you guys to meet my parents and the spawns of satans. Maybe have dinner after."

"Actually, I'll ask her to stay behind an extra hour or 2. I'll come back after the exhibition, I'll meet your parents another time. I don't want to be a bother."

"If you say so."

"Why don't you and Violet go to the same school?"

"I honestly have no idea."

We chat for another hour or so before I get a text from my mom telling me that dinner is in an hour. Luckily, Mason lives about 5 houses away from mine. He and Violet decided to walk me to my gate, only to find my dad coming in.

"Wait. Your dad is Drake Jordan? That means your mom is Kenya Jordan. No way!!" I laugh at his excitement.

"Uhmmm. Yeah." The light hint of red on his cheek makes him look so adorable.

"Uhmm. Want to carpool to school tomorrow?" He asks awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure. See you at 07h30?"

"See you then."

"Bye Violet." I say to the little girl playing some game on her tablet.

"Bye Ryan." She looks up for a millisecond before looking back down.

We exchange numbers before they heads back up the road and I head inside. I scream 'I'm home' and run up the stairs into my room to change. My room is almost the same as Mason's room but mine has white walls with gray and black decorations. I change into my Aunt London's Harvard Medical School sweater and a pair of shorts. I grab my phone and head downstairs.

When I get downstairs dinner is already served. Grilled hake fillets with a Caesars salad and garlic bread. All is well until my dad speaks up.

"Who's your new friend?" He asks while looking at his phone.

"Mason. He just moved up the street. He's also an artist. "

"Cool. Is he coming to the exhibition tomorrow?" My mom asks.

"Yeah." I say. All returns to normal, after washing the dishes, I head back upstairs. I put on my earphones playing 'Revenge Of The Dreamer II' and get started on my homework. In the middle of my AP physics homework, I get a text from Mason.


Thanks for today. First days usually suck.

No problem. Always looking forward to making new friends.

Also thanks for making such an impression on Violet. She can't stop talking about you.

Well, what can I say? I'm the type you bring home to the parents.

If my parents were ever home they'd definitely love you. Is he flirting?

We talk for another 30 minutes before I have to go back to my homework and head to sleep.

Becoming Ryan-Leigh(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now