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Mason's POV

My mind was a mess. It's finals week. If that isn't hectic enough, Alexa sits right in front of me in the exam hall. All that's happened the past 2 months comes rushing back to me. The look of hurt on Ryan's face when she came back to school after her suspension. The oh so bright smile she gets on her face when she see Alexa. That smile used to appear for me. McKenzie had filled my head with all sorts of bullshit about Ryan and I was dumb enough to fall for it.

I fucked up, big time. And I honestly don't know how. McKenzie just wormed her way into my life. She ruined it.

"Mase, are you even listening to me?" The devil herself asks.

We were in the study room at my house. Somehow I just can't get rid of her.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Urggh, I asked you if we're going to Ryan's party."

"I don't know. Why are you even interested? Don't you like hate Ryan or something?"

"Exactly, I plan on showing up and ruining her day. Or something more. Who knows how I'll feel that day?"

"You're a bitch you know that. Right?"

"Oh Mason. You don't know the half of it." She says with a sickingly sweet smile on her face. Then all of a sudden there's a change in the colour of her blue eyes.

"I have a plan. It's clear we don't want each other. You want Ryan and I want Alexa so here's what's going to happen..." She proceeds to tell me her plan. All the while her face is beaming with joy.

"Ryan was right. You do want what's hers. You are below her. I'm only doing this to get Ryan back and get you out of my life hopefully for good."

"Oh Mason, I'm touched. But let's get one thing straight, that bitch has never and will never be above me, is that clear?"

"Fuck off Douglas!" She shows me the middle finger before heading out the study and out the door.

Ryan's POV

There was just one exam standing in the way of me and freedom. But it also turned out to be the most stressful one. AP Literature. Not only is literature stressful for me, it also has a space in my tub of hatred. Specifically, Mr. William Shakespeare himself. Don't get me wrong, there are certain plays/poems that have a special place in my heart but it's just exhausting.

On top of the stresses of finals, I have mild party planning stresses. Even though majority of the planning is being overseen by my mom and sister, the guest list was my responsibility.

Invites were to be sent out in two days, so I had to finalise that today. I was kind of stuck between being the bigger person and inviting McKenzie and Mason. Even if I do invite them I probably won't see them most of the night. So with that in mind, I add them to the list. I was in the midst of attempting to study for literature when my phone rang. Rhodes.

"What's up?"

"Hey, uhm I... I..."

"Hello? Mason!"

"Uhm, Ry. I honestly don't know why I called. I didn't expect you to answer."

"I did say that I forgive you. I'm at a happy place in my life right now. Things are different but that doesn't mean I won't be civil with you."

"I'm thankful for that."

"Since we are cool I hope you can respect my relationship with Alexa."

"Of course. So I guess I'll see you around."

"Sure. Wait! May I ask you something?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."


"Uhm, why I fucked up?"


"Honestly, because I'm a dumb fuck that fell for McKenzie's manipulating words."

"Oh okay, I'll see you around I guess."

"See you around."

I hang up after that. I spent quite some time staring at my phone. I know that I shouldn't be feeling the butterflies I'm feeling but I was. Ignoring that I attempted to go back and study, only to fail dismally.

2 days later invites were sent out and my phone had been going off nonstop with RSVP's and people trying to get an invite. I remember telling my mom that invites are not nesscesiry as word would spread and it would go from a party of roughly 100 to 200 people fast.

Today was also the day I'd be celebrating my birthday with family since I'll be pretty occupied that day. At the beginning of planning I had suggested that we have the party two days before or two days after so I can spend my birthday with my family but my mom said with all that's happening right now, I deserve to spend it drama free , so today was family day. Birthdays in my family meant everybody is coming, but with all that's happened I don't know what today may be like.

Aunt London, Luke, Ashley, India and Uncle Kingston arrived first with surprise guests in tow. The family of five had now become a family of seven. The Daniel's arrived with a two month old baby and a five year old.

"London, I thought y'all just started the process?" My mom says taking the baby out of the car seat.

"When we told y'all, we had just heard from the adoption officer saying that Lila and Alison are in need of a family. That's Lila in your arms Ken and this is Alison."
"Hey y'all." Nai says walking into the backyard.
"Nai!" She had told us she couldn't make it cause of school.
"Where's Jesse?"
"Here. Just had to use the bathroom. Hey mama. Whose this little angel?" He hugs mama and takes Lila from her.

Aunt London explains again, tension fills the backyard when Nai and dad made eye contact. They haven't spoken since that night at the house. Her eyes darkened at his appearance. To try diffuse the tension Jesse goes to introduce himself to dad.

"Mr. Jordan, I don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Jesse Carter, Naomi's fiance." He puts his hand out for dad to shake, which he shakes.
"Nice to meet you. Naomi."
"Well. Let's get to eating, I'm hungry. " Austin says.
"Y'all always hungry though." India says.

All is well until Kiana burst through the  back porch door drunk out of her mind. Jasmine goes running to her mom but Uncle Michael stops her.

"Kiana, what are you doing here?" Michael asks.
"I'm here to celebrate my niece's birthday duh."
"Your drunk!" Aunt London says.
"Oh shut up London. You and Kenya think you so much better than me. Well, you're not. We all come from the same hood. And we're cut from the same fucken cloth so please."

"You delusional bitch. You ruin my kids life not once but twice. You ruin your own kid's lives and you expect us to be all shits and giggles, I don't think so. Get the fuck out of my house." Mom says. But dad moves to defend her.
"Your on thin fucken ice Jordan. Don't push me."

So much for a drama free day.

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