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Family counselling went better than I thought it would, there was no screaming, nothing was thrown and no one got slapped or punched. After counselling we went to a diner to grab something to eat.

"Is Jesse going to join us?" Ariana asks.

"Yeah, I just got him an uber, he'll be here in 10 minutes." Naomi answers.

"Who's Jesse?" Dad asks. Well there goes the peace.

"None of your god damn business that's who." Nai says.

"This is supposed to be a family affair, I don't want any strangers ivading our family time." Dad says.

"Well then if its a family affair, I might as well leave." Naomi gets up to leave but mom stops her.

"Naomi, no. Jesse is my future son-in-law, so he is family." She says giving dad the stank eye.

"Son-in-law? And I'm only finding out about this now because?" Dad says with annoyance laced in his words.

"You're not my father, you made it very evident that you didn't want me so don't involve yourself in my life, okay?"

"Naomi!" Mom scream whispers.

"Don't, Ry, can I borrow your car? Imma wait for Jesse and go grab lunch somewhere else."

"Sure, see you at home." With that Naomi walks out of the diner leaving the table tense and silent.

"You just let her walk out like that Kenya."

"She's old enough to do what ever she wants. And it was your drunk ass that said what you said to her. You made your fucken bed now lay in it."

"Is there anything else any of you are hiding from me?"

"I'm into girls. I have been for a while. No, its not a phase. No, I didn't just wake up and decided to be into girls. It took me a couple of years to actually understand what the fuck is wrong with me and I'm tired of living in the closet."

"Bullshit. Ain't no child of mine finna be a homosexual."

"Well then its a good thing I might not be your child right, as per your assumption." I stand up and head outside hoping to find Naomi still there, luckily she is.

"I came out of the closet, Nai. I finally did it and it feels fucken amazing. My relationship with dad might never be the same again but I'm glad I did it" I say with tears in my eyes.

"I'm glad you did kid. And if your dad doesn't over come his homophobia for the sake of his daughter then that's his loss." She says as Jesse hops in the backseat.

"Hey, aren't we suppose to be inside?" He asks.

"We're going to go somewhere else." Nai says.

"Oh, what happened in there? And are you okay Ry?" He asks.

"I'm okay. And we'd rather not talk about that right now." I say as we drive out of the diner parking lot.

We ended up having lunch at a Chick-fil-A before heading back home. Upon arrival mom sends me a text asking me to come to the old house. I ask her if I should bring Nai and she says yes.

"Nai, mom wants us to go to the old house." I say with caution.

"Babe, I think you should go. I have to go to the immigration office anyway." Jesse says.

"Immigration? For what?"

"I was going to tell you with the rest of your family but that didn't work out. Seeing you with your family last night made me realise how important your family is to you and how happy they make you, I don't wish to take that away from you. Plus there isn't much for me back home but I do want our kids to know their heritage so I'm going to get information on how to obtain dual citizenship." He says.

Becoming Ryan-Leigh(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now