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"Dweebs, let's go. We're going to be late!" I say walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Woah, Cruella. You look..." Austin starts, "Different." And Dallas finishes.

Last night after dinner Naomi offered to do my hair, which I never really do. I always prefer leaving my hair in its natural state. So the thick long box braids sure are a different.

"I know. Let's go." I grab my bag, keys and an off the table before we are out the door.

"So what's been happening at school since I've been gone." I ask Dallas as we get in the car.

"Nothing much." He says as he fumbles with the buttons on his navy blazer, something he says when his hiding something.

"Dallas Rogan Jordan, spill." I say. Dallas takes this time to make his presence known in the car.

"Mason and McKenzie have been spending all week together."


"What?! She was going to find out eventually. I bet she already had her suspecions. Right, Ry?"

"Yep." I say with a death grip on the steering wheel.

"Great now she has that look on her face. The look she had before she confronted Zaya for cheating." Dallas says.

"Oooooohhhh, someone's gonna get it!" Austin says laughing.

I recall the almost disastrous confrontation with Zaya. You need to calm down babe. We don't need another suspension. By the time we got to school, I had calmed down and had returned to rational reasoning. Or so I thought. Standing adjacent the parking spot I have occupied, in front of the oh so familiar G-wagon, are Mason and McKenzie sucking each other's faces off. You are a calm, rational, black queen who will not be made a fool of, okay. After repeating the phrase in my head, I exit the car.

"Ryan!" Mason says shoving McKenzie away. Both clearly startled by my appearance. I look at them over my shoulder and with a hair flip, I sashay myself into school. Upon entering, I turn a couple of heads, on the outside my face is unphased but on the inside I am beaming with happiness. Bow before your queen, bitches. I grab the books I need and head to homeroom.

On my way I pass Alexa and her friends and I give her a wink and head into homeroom.

My day goes by relatively smoothly, I had successfully avoided Mason all day( which was difficult taking into consideration that we have the same classes) , that is until after school, as I'm walking to my car I see him waiting for me in front of it. Here we go.

"You've been avoiding me."

"No shit Sherlock." I say as I make a move to get into the driver's seat. He blocks my move.

"I'm sorry but McKenzie and I just happened, okay."

"And I just so happened that I don't give a flying fuck, now move."

"We can still work. I st..." I interrupt.

"Boy you best move out the way." I say in such a calm voice that I surprised myself at how calm it was. Thankfully Mason moved. I got in the car and drove off. I went to fetch Ariana on the other side of the school. I'd come back and fetch the twins have their practice in an hour and a half. The drive home was spent with Ariana and I singing rather really off tune to the Spotify playlist that was playing. We arrive home with no cars in the driveway. Mom must be at work. Nai might be out with Jesse.

Entering the house, I head straight to the kitchen to make a snack for Ari and I. I also decide to make the boys food because they'll definitely be hungry when they get home. I was in the middle of eating my rice cakes and peanut butter when my phone rang.


Hey Ry. I'm passing by your school, should I fetch Austin and Dallas?

"You'd be such a doll "

Okay. See you in 45 minutes.

This gave me the opportunity to catch up on some of the school work I missed.

The silence was gone the moment everyone returned home, I closed my chemistry textbook and headed downstairs. Austin and Dallas were arguing about something sports related, mom was on the phone, while Naomi and Jesse were in their own little bubble. We went about making dinner and talking about what everyone did today. After dinner Jesse and the twins were watching a rugby game, mom and Ariana were making cookies while Nai and I were on the swings in the back yard.

"So how was it seeing Mason?"

"Well when we got to school he was parked adjacent to me, busy sucking McKenzie's mouth off. It was disgusting. Avoiding him throughout the course of the day was difficult because we have the same classes but I was quite successful until he cornered me after school, telling me that his thing with McKenzie just happened and he thinks we could still work. Imagine."

"What the actual fuck is wrong with him? Is he the one who's been calling and texting?" she says with an annoyed face and an eye roll.

"No, its this girl from school, Alexa."

"Ouuuuu, do I smell a 'rebound' romance in the works?" she says with a really mischievous grin.

I laugh at her sudden enthusiasm, "No. But I have been eyeing Alexa for a while but I don't think I'll go there because she's bad news and I really don't need that right now." I say.

"Bullshit, just one date won't hurt."

"I'll think about it, but I can't and won't make it easy for her."

"That's the spirit." She says jumping off the swing and throwing her fist in the air. We burst into a fit of laughter before sobering up and heading inside and the tension is felt the moment you enter the house.

What The Fuck?

"Mama, what's happening? "

"What is she doing here?" Naomi asks giving Amara the scariest look ever. Her eyes as grey as gloomy day.

Well this might not end well.

Becoming Ryan-Leigh(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now