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Mason's POV

It's been a week since I started at Covington Hills. And I've been having a easy transition from Chicago to LA. When my parents told me that Violet and I had to move I was so pissed off and I wasn't looking forward to starting my life over again.

In the past 4 years I've moved about two dozen times. I was fine with all the things that were happening, because I had to go through it alone but when they had Violet I was beyond pissed. For as long as I remember my parents have never been here for me. I got used to it but to put another child into the equation is just selfish. So when I turned 5, we moved to Chicago so Violet and I settled down in Chicago with my grandmother, my mom's mother.

The only reason I moved to LA was because Covington Hills had the best art program in the country at the moment. They also gave me a car so I could get to and from my school and Violet's.

The other upside to moving is Ryan. She's just so perfect. She's funny, feisty, sarcastic and amazing with Violet. There's been a lot of flirting between us. I mean I like her. I really do but I don't know if she's into me or into guys in general. I tried asking her so many times but I chickened out. I've never felt this way about a girl.

I was walking into the school when I bumped into Dallas. It's better I ask him than Austin. I've been told about Ryan's history with girls. But I've never heard stories about her with a guy.

"Hey Dallas."

"Hey Mason. What's up?"

"I need to ask you something about Ryan but she can't find out about it."

"Uhmmm. Sure." He says with a little fear in his voice. Over the past couple of days I've noticed that he fears Ryan more than Austin does.

"Could your sister be interested in guys?"

"Oh yeah. She is, but she's lowkey about her sexuality because dad is kind of homophobic." He says.

"Oh okay. Thanks."

"No problem." With that I walk away and head to Art class.

I walk in and find Ryan sitting in our usual place at the back of the class. She looks so beautiful today. She has her curls down, she had earphones on and was doodling something on her sketch pad. Her brown skin looked flawless and radiant.

"What's cooking, good looking?" I say and she quickly closes the sketch pad. She pulls out the earbuds out of her ears.

"Hey Panda. Did you find your phone?" She calls me panda because of my undying love for pandas. I had gone back to the car to look for my phone.

"Nah. I think I left it at home. Or maybe I didn't look properly."

"You suck at looking for things. Give me the keys I'll go look." Ryan grabs the keys off my table and heads out the door. For some odd reason we arrived at school earlier than usual so she has a couple of minutes before 1st period actually starts.

I grab the sketch pad on her table and go through it. There are some pictures of her mom, some pictures of her older sister I think, some random objects. My favorite and the one that shocked me the most is the one of me. It's the one she was trying to hide when I walked in. To avoid being caught snooping, I return the sketch pad and pull mine out.

"Found it. It was underneath the driver's seat. Violet was the last to use it, right. She must have dropped it on her way out the car." With a giggle she sits down. She hands me my phone and keys.

At lunch, Ryan and I were sitting at our normal table with some of her friends. Maddy, I think that's her name, is currently talking about the party Layla is hosting tonight.

"Are you coming Mason?" Alison asks.

"I'm not sure." I reply eating some steak fries off Ryan's lunch tray.

"How about you Ryan?" Alison asks Ryan.

"Most probably."

After lunch, on our way to AP chemistry, Ryan and I are talking about Layla's party.

"My parents are in Mexico for the weekend. We can leave Violet with the babysitter and Ariana, or you can get Yuna to take her with when she gets home, so you could come to the party with me."

"I don't want to be a burden."

"You're not. This party won't be fun without you. Who will make fun of people with me?" She pleads giving me puppy dog eyes so powerful they put Violet's too shame.

"Fine." My one word answer is followed with a very high pitched squeal.

By the end of the day, we establish that I'll drop her off at her house and come back at 19h00 to pick her off and drop Violet off. I decide to wear a large black plain hoodie with black ripped jeans and olive green nike utilities. I accessorise with a olive green cap. At 19h00 Violet and I leave the house to head over to Ryan's.

Ryan opens the door wearing blue ripped jeans with black timberlands and a black cropped hoodie. The jeans she's wearing show off the curvy body her uniform hides. She's also wearing a black cap. Our outfits are almost similar. She looks absolutely stunning. Like always.

We arrive at Layla's an hour later and its packed. I had to park down the street due to how packed it was.

"You ready for your first ever Covington Hills Academy party?" I nod and we head to the already open door.

"Have you ever been to one?"

"Yeah. This will be my 3rd." There are sweaty teenagers dancing in the foyer. Red cups already littering the floor. Couples making out in the open. Dry humping. It was just intense. We make a beeline to the kitchen to get some drinks. Once in the kitchen we both take 4 shots each of some of the tequila on the kitchen table. Ryan says this is all for her  for the entire night, I on the other hand am going to take advantage of the fact that there isn't a 12 year old I have to take care of.

I spend the rest of the night drinking my sorrows away. Ryan spent the night drinking her bottled water. At some point I need the bathroom, so Ryan came with me.

"You're so pretty." I say as we make our way up the stairs.

"Why thank you. You're also good looking." She replies with a blush.

"I don't mean it in a friendly way." I manage to get out despite my intoxication.

"I know. Neither did I."

When it was time to go, which was around 1 AM, it was then I realized I'm too drunk to drive. Luckily Ryan has a license so she drove us back to my house.

"Aren't we going back to your house?" I ask.

"Nope. The entire house is already on lockdown. I'm too tired to entire the passcodes and stuff."

Have you ever been turned on by someone driving? Well that's exactly what Ryan was doing to me. Everything she does is just effortless. We get home and she parks the car and gets out the driver's side to come get me on the passenger's side, since I'm way too drunk to walk properly. Inside the house, we head to my room and she undresses me, I hope I'm not to drunk to remember this. She gives me a pair of shorts and a tshirt to put on. She also asks to borrow one of my shirts so she could sleep in something comfortable.

We get into bed and we face each other, with a kiss on the forehead and I think a 'I like you' I drift off to a distant land. That night I had the best sleep ever.

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