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It's been 3 days since we moved and I haven't heard from Mason since. I haven't been able to get the situation out of my head. Plus knowing I go back to school in a day, I'm just anxious. On the up side, Naomi's boyfriend arrived yesterday and Oh My Smack Of Potatoes And Gelato is he fine. His tall and dark but not to dark. He has a smile to die for.

"Hey Ry. I need a favor." Mom asks.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I need you to fetch me somethings at the old house." She tells me what she needs and I'm off. I decide to call Mason on my way there.


"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much. What are you up too?"

"I'm at the mall with my parents and Violet."

"Oh okay. I'll see you at school on Thursday I guess."

"Yeah." He hangs up before I can say goodbye properly. Well that's odd.

I pull up to the main gate and I get stopped.

"Miss Jordan. Finally got the car I see?" Pete, the security guard at the gate says.

"On probation but yes. Is my dad home?"

"I'm not sure but there is a Miss Van Dyke." He says. The nerve of some people.

"Well, let me head on inside then." I says and he just gives me a small nod before returning to his security booth.

I have to pass Mason's house on my way to my old house and in the driveway I see 3 cars, Mason's, his parents' and McKenzie's. This muthafucker. A part of me wanted to walk right in there and smack a bitch or something but I avoided that because that would be crazy. I pull up to my old house and I find my 'mom's' car in the driveway. Lord help us all.

I get out the car and go knock on the door. Amara opens the door wearing a tight white dress that ends just below her knees with nude heels. Neutral make up and the wild mane of black curls I inherited from her are tucked away under a poorly laid wig.

"Ryan-Leigh. What are you doing here?"

"Amara. Mom sent me to pick up somethings. May I come in?"

"Whatever. Just don't touch anything that isn't yours or Kenya's." I roll my eyes and head inside and up the stairs. I was busy packing the thing I was sent to fetch in the car when my father came home. Today's just not my day.

"Ryan-Leigh, what are you doing here?"

"Mom sent me to fetch somethings. I'm just about done so I'll get out of your hair." I'm about to turn around and get in the car when,

"Wait." I fully face him, "Uhmm, your mother..."

""Is currently at home in Beverly Hills."

"Right. Amara!"

"Oh hey babe. Ryan, what are you still doing here?"

"I was about to leave actually. But dad stopped me."

"I think we should tell her." He says looking at Amara.

"If you think it's best." She says with what looks like a mischievous smile, its then I notice the beginnings of a baby bump and a small gleam of a diamond reflecting on the car from the hand placed on my father's back.

"You're pregnant and you guys are getting married?" I say just as my dad was about to say something. Amara's mischievous smile fell and in its place a look of guilt and regret over took the features of her face. But it didn't last long as she faked a happy face while staring up at my father.

"Well, congratulations. I got to get back home." I get in the car and just as I'm about to close the door, my dad asks me not to tell my mom.

As I'm driving out the community, I see Mason and McKenzie at the parking hand in hand. This bitch ass muthafucker be messing with the wrong bitch. I drive home in anger. When I arrive home Naomi's car is not in the driveway.

"What took you so long?" Mom asks.

"Amara and dad." Not wanting to mention the Mason and McKenzie issue.

"They live together?"

"I don't know but she was there." She starts mumbling things along the lines of Bitch ass motherfuckers finna get shot at. I laugh and walk out the kitchen. Once I get in my room, my phone dings with a message.


Hey babe. Boy, I know you fucken lyin'!


What's up?

Nothing just tired.

Oh okay. I can't wait for you to come back school. It hasn't been the same without you. I've been so lonely. I bet you have.

Well, the wait is almost over Thursday's just around the corner.


I decide to stop texting him after that. I got so angry, I wanted to punch someone. You must think I'm overexaggerating but I'm not. It's been a minute since I last dated a guy and I was actually willing to open up to him in that way. Fuck that shit. I contemplate between calling Alexa Reed, the school's sexiest lesbian or drawing. I go with the latter but I have had my eye on Alexa for a while so I just might go there.

"Picasso, dinner is ready." Naomi says, I must've gotten so into the drawing I lost track of time.

"I'll be down in a minute."

"What's wrong kid?" She asks. I jump a little having thought she went back downstairs.

"Nothing, just got inspiration."

"Don't lie. What's wrong? And I ain't finna ask you again."

"Dad and Amara are expecting and getting married. And I think Mason is busy with McKenzie."

"Hol'on what?!!"

"I'm guessing the dad part is the most shocking." I ask looking at her shocked and angry face.

"First of all, McKenzie is slowly starting to become a pain in my mixed behind. Second of all, I ain't finna talk about your dad, that finna hurt my babies. So come on let's go." She pulls me off the ground and we head down the stairs.

Becoming Ryan-Leigh(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now