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Mason drives me home after that. Despite having the shittiest day, I walked in my house with a wide smile gracing my face. My lips still felt a little tingly. I gently touched them, giggling and making my way up the stairs. To lazy to change, I stay in my gym uniform. I was busy with my art project when I heard the door open and close.

"Ryan-Leigh Jordan!! Get your ass down these stairs immediately." Oh shit. Daddy came home earlier than usual. I thought I had a couple more hours to prepare myself. I fear Kenya more than my dad but at this point, I'm really scared. I make my way downstairs and head into the second lounge area dedicated to the lectures.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself? You gave that girl a concussion. You could've seriously injured her."

"She had it coming."

"Unbelievable. I don't know what's gotten into you these days. But it needs to stop."

"How would you even know? You barely home anyway." I say as anger begins to course through me.

"I work Ryan. Work."

"I didn't know fucking Amara could be considered work."

"RYAN!!" Naomi says. My dad stares between me and Naomi for two minutes with wide eyes before he storms out the lounge and out the door.

"Really, Austin, Dallas and Ariana are in the house what if they heard you?" Naomi asks.

"We did." Austin comes in and sits on the couch closest to the door. Dallas and Ariana stand at the door.

"I'm sorry. Y'all weren't supposed to find out like this. Y'all weren't supposed to find out at all. God, this is all my fault." I sit on the table and put my face in my hands.

"No it's not. Its their fault. Dad couldn't respect mom, his marriage and his family. Amara couldn't respect the woman who raised her daughter." Dallas says. I feel a pair of large hands on my back and look up to see Austin next to me. He pulls me for a hug. Austin and I fight more than any of my other siblings. Knowing it might not happen again, I enjoy this affection from my brother.

"Y'all wanna get dinner started?" Naomi asks.

"Sure. When's mama coming back?" Ariana asks.

"She comes back tomorrow night, I think." I reply.

Making dinner with my siblings was the mood boaster I needed. With our different hobbies and Naomi living in South Africa now, we barely ever spent time together. We had dinner and watched a movie. But since it's a school night, the twins and Ariana had to go to bed. Naomi and I stayed up to clean up. It was around 22h30 when the front door opened, a very drunk Drake Matthew Jordan stumbling into the foyer.

"Dad. What the fuck?" Naomi says.

"Don't talk to me like that in my own god damn house, Wilson!" He says at Naomi. Wilson being Naomi's real dad. Miles was a very sensitive topic for Naomi and he was rarely spoken about when she was around or ever, mom didn't like it either.


"What Ryan?! What?! Don't daddy me! I don't know who the fuck your dad is?!" He slurs. "I never wanted any of you. Especially you Wilson." He says looking at Naomi. "I came to terms with having you around but when you came along," looks at me. "I wanted to run away, then along came all these other fuckers." He finishes his monologue and heads up the stairs. Its then I notice Austin and Dallas standing at the top of the stairs.

"Get out of my way! Matter of fact get the fuck out of my house. All of you!" Dad says as he heads into the master bedroom.

"Guys pack a bag. We're leaving." Naomi says with tears in her eyes.

"Where are we going?"

"Mom never sold her old house. Bianca still lives there now and then when she's in town." She says as she walks into Arianna's room.

An hour later, we were all buckled up in Naomi's Range Rover and out the gate. 20 minutes later we arrive at Naomi's childhood home.

"Wait here." She says as she gets out the car. She returns 5 minutes later. We enter the gate and drive up the driveway and park the car near the front door. Austin and Dallas grab the luggage while I grab Ariana who is fast asleep.

"There are 5 bedrooms but one of them is Bianca's so Ryan and I will share." Once the house is secured and everyone is in bed, Naomi and I hung around the kitchen for a while.

"What time is it in Japan?" I ask.

"Around 16h30. Thinking of calling mom?"

"Yeah. Just to mention the temporary move." After a couple of rings the facetime call connects.

"Hey, guys. Isn't it late that side?" Mom asks. She's got her hair in a bun. It looks like she's wearing a pair of grey sweatpants with a plain white tee.

"Yeah it is but we need to talk and it can't wait till you come back."

"What's wrong?" She asks, worry heard clear in her voice.

"We had to move into the old house, temporarily." Naomi says.

"Why? Where's your father?"

"That man is not my father." Naomi says with venom in her words.

"What the hell happened?!" Mom asks getting slightly annoyed.

"I got suspended from school for fighting today. Amara called me in the morning calling you a man stealing whore, I just got so angry at her that I took my anger out on McKenzie. Anyway, that's besides the point. I overheard you and dad arguing that night you got back from Mexico. I also found out that Drake is cheating on you with Amara. He left, got drunk and told us that he didn't want any of us and told us to get the fuck out of his house." I finish.

"I'm coming back now. Stay there until I do. As for you young lady," she's looking at me "I'll talk to you when I get home."

"Yes mam." Fear coursing through my veins. She hangs up after giving Naomi some more instructions.

"Shall we?" She holds up her elbow for me and we walk up the stairs. Due to the shittt day I had, the moment my head hits the pillow, I fell into a dreamless slumber.

Becoming Ryan-Leigh(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now