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The two weeks after that family meeting were just a rollercoaster. Mom and uncle Michael both filled for divorce in the same 24 hour period. While uncle Michael choose not to file for full custody of Jackson, Paris and Jasmine. Come to think of it Jasmine looks more black than her siblings. I mean I guess we all accounted to the fact that Aunt Kiana is black but now that I know the truth I can see the resemblance between us.

Mom on the other hand choose to file for full custody for all of us including my baby brother. Poor kid ain't even born yet. Things on that end were complicated.

The rest of the family met Jesse before he and Naomi went back to South Africa, but not before promising they'd be back as soon as they can.

Meanwhile, seeing or talking to Amara didn't make me want to punch a bitch anymore so that's a plus. Another good thing going on my life is my situationship with Alexa. It's safe to say that I have the infamous Alexa Reed whipped.

At first Alexa was just supposed to be a distraction from Mason but she's turned into something way more. I was walking to art class when I bumped into Mason. Communication between us was at a minimum as I was always either with my brothers or with Alexa. The times I'm alone are when we are in class but since I moved from where I usually sat, we don't talk anymore.

"Hey, uhmm can I talk to you?" He asks.


"Look Ry, I'm sorry. I really am. I honestly don't have an excuse for what I did but I ended things with McKenzie, I really hope we could start back over." I scoff, looking up to see Alexa behind Mason. The moment our eyes lock together, an explosion of butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I smile and say to Mason, "I forgive you. And I should probably thank you because if it wasn't for you and McKenzie I wouldn't have gotten the courage to talk to, I think the best thing to happen to me at this point in my life. I'll see you around." I move to go hug Alexa. She gives me a quick kiss before we walk hand in hand to art class.

"So I guess it's official, isn't it?" She asks.

"Not so fast, Reed. I'm not fully convinced yet." I say as response.

She chuckles, "Maybe this will convince you." With that she bends her neck ever so slightly and kisses me. We've kissed before but this kiss was something I couldn't quite explain. Despite being busy, I could still feel the curious eyes around us, but in that moment it was just the two of us.

"I guess it's official." I say trying to hide the massive blush making its way up my neck. She smiles at me before picking me up and spinning me around.

"I GOT THE GIRL! WOOHOO!" She puts me down and starts giving high fives to the students in the hallway.

The first half of the day goes very well, I'm in a good mood the entire time. That is until lunch, when McKenzie approaches our table. Why today Lord?

"Well. Well. Well. The mistake and the bad girl, what a combination. You really stooped low Reed. But just know if you ever get bored of Ms. Homewrecker here, you can always come back to me." She says moving closer to Alexa. I take this moment to speak.

"Take one step closer and imma really knock you the fuck out this time." My voice comes out calm and unbothered but that alone causes her to stop in her tracks. I gently pull Alexa back and stand in front of McKenzie.

"Now you're going to leave me and my girlfriend the fuck alone. What ever internal issues you have with yourself, deal with them on your own. And please don't you ever talk to me like I'm below you, when in fact its you that's below me because you try to get everything that's mine. And according to the stupid hierarchy system that you live by you are still way below me, so do me a favor and stay there." I say and she stares at me for a while before she walks away and her entourage not far behind.

"That was hot. I like feisty Ryan. But I think I like hearing Ryan call me her girlfriend more." Lexi says pulling me down on the bench so we're now face to face.

"Well get used to it, girlfriend." She pulls me in for a quick kiss before we join the conversation around the table. Which has slowly became the 'cool' table.

At the end of the day I drive my siblings and I home only to find one of my dad's cars and a couple of moving trucks in the driveway. The fuck.

"What's going on?" Ariana asks.

"Let's go find out."

We head inside, put our bags at the door and embark on a search for our parents. We find them in the backyard near the pool house.

"Mom, what's going on?" Austin asks.

"Hey guys. Come have a seat." She says.

"Are we moving?" Ariana asks.

"Yes, baby we are." Mom says as Ariana goes to sit on dad's lap.

"Despite your mom and I going our separate ways, we feel living in two different households isn't good for any of you especially your little brother."

"So we're moving to a different neighborhood. We found a house that's big enough for us to be together but not together. But only for a year. Then it's one week with me then one week with your dad. "

"So you're not getting divorced." Dallas asks.

"We actually already are. But we'll be co-parenting in the same household." Mom replies.

"Where are we moving too?"

"Calabasas." They explain the details of how things are going to be now but all I can think about is the distance between Alexa and I. With our relationship still new and her scandalous past I can't help but fear the worst. Imma talk to Nai tonight. Since we had decided not to fully unpack when we moved here, packing what had been unpacked didn't take long. We had dinner and headed off to bed.


Hey, did mama tell you what's happening?

Yeah. How are y'all taking this?

Ariana is the only one happy about it. I really don't know what to feel. Between mom and dad and my relationship with Alexa, I'm just confused.

You're dating Alexa?! Since when?

We made it official today.

It's still kinda new. What are you tripping over?

That's exactly what I'm tripping over. It's new. It's almost final week. I'll be almost 30 minutes away, I know that's not a lot taking into consideration that we both have cars and we go to the same school but I can't help but worry.

Babe, you're just overthinking things. Enjoy this honeymoon phase of your relationship. I remember how smitten she was around you. She's not going to fuck it up.

You're right. Thanks Nai.

We talk about finals, the babies, relationships and my 17th birthday.

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