The Vytal Tournament

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Ruby was waking to a grave which belongs to her mother. She took off her hood and spoke it.

Ruby: Hey mom. sorry that I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been very busy. Oh! Dad's here too. He's, you know... he's dad. He's still teaching at signal, but she told me he's going to be going out in some mission soon. I think he misses going on adventures with you. I miss you too. Haven't got kicked out of beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. I keep her in line. that was a joke. She's actually a great fighter, you can tell she learn a lot from dad. Well so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates. Together, we dorm team RWBY. And yes before you ask that does cause a lot of confusions. Oh and did I forgot I met a boy there as well. He's really good when it comes to fighting. At first, he was just a geeky guy and he doesn't do quite well in a fight but now, he's much better now. He can just tell that he's putting in a lot of eff out when it comes
to fighting. Did I forgot to mention that we also stop a bunch of bad guys too. I guess it's like they say, like mother like daughter. I met some odds teacher by the way. I'm still wondering why Ozpin allowed me into the School early. I suppose that he'll tell us one day. You know how he is. I found it funny how I get to know him, the more he starts to sound like uncle Qrow.

Ruby heard a dog bark behind her. When she turned around, she saw Zwei and Taiyang standing right behind her.

Ruby:Oh! Looks like dad's back. I gotta go! He's dropping me off at the Beacon for the tournament match before he goes in his next mission! Wish me luck!

Ruby put on her hood and prepared to leave. She turned back at her mother's grave for the last time.

Ruby: It was good to talk.

Tai: So Ruby, when were you ever gonna tell me that you've got a boyfriend?

Ruby: What? I don't have a boyfriend. Who told you about that?

Tai: No one. I just heard about you talking about a boy. It maybe a boy that you like.

Ruby: What? No, it's not that, it's just...

Ruby's face started to turn red because she maybe does like Jaune. She doesn't want to let that get to her head right now, so she continued on her way.

At the Vytal Tournament.

Jaune was with his team and he was excited g out the tournament match. He cannot way for to see the match that team RWBY we're gonna right features in. He wanted to which them luck, so he went ahead to greet them right before their match.

Jaune: Hi there Ruby. Just for you know, I'm wishing you luck out there. I hope you sure do kick some serious butt out there.

Ruby: Thanks Jaune, I'm hoping the same for you.

Team RWBY went so that they could get started with their match. Jaune took a seat in at the stadium. He watch with happiness because he cannot wait to see his favorite snow queen in action. He watch Team RWBY as they were showing off their skills. He were fighting the team known ABRN and they were doing good, Jaune won't like to himself. He cheered them on from then audience. Weiss looked at Jaune who was waving at her and she was blushing in red mess.He heard professor Port and Oobleck breaking down the rules for everyone.

Port: O-ho! It seems that he have about he r astonishing bout ahead of us! Would by you agree Professor.

Oobleck: It's Doctor. And yes, I think that's it's safe to say: This match maybe one of the closest we've seen in the four and four round of The tournament!

Port: For those of you just now joining us, Welcome to the Vytal festival Tournament! Broadcast live from the amity Colosseum! If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules. The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds. Teams, double and single. Age and school years are irrelevant. In this tournament, the only attribute being tested.... is skill.

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