Moral lessons.

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Jaune was in his dorm sleeping because he had so much work to do with that ice sculpture. He was dreaming about something. Something that is wonderful. He dreamt that he is the hero that everyone ever payed for and he was so happy for all it. He started chanting his own name in his sleep.

Jaune:* Chanting* Jaune is best! Jaune is best! Jaune is the best!

Yang and Ruby was standing outside his dorm and heard that he was chanting his own name.

Ruby: Do you think we should wake him?

Yang: Yeah, we should talk to him about that match that just happened.

They walked into the dorm and saw that he was in a really deep sleep. They didn't want to have to wake him but they have to. Ruby took out her whistle and blew it in Jaune's face making him fall of of the bed.

Jaune: Hey! What's the big idea?

Ruby: We're so sorry about that Jaune. We're just gonna talk to you about the last match. Coco and Yatsuhashi were facing against Mercury and Emerald. They lost.

Jaune: Oh. Well what's the next match is gonna be about?

Ruby: I don't know yet. But we'll keep you informed when it happen okay.

Jaune: Yeah, thank you Ruby. So have you seen Weiss around here?

Ruby: Well, I suppose that she's with her sister.

Jaune just remembered something. He had left the ice statue that he has sculpted out in the sun and it could be melting right now.

Jaune: Oh no. What about the ice statue.

Yang: Ice statue?

Jaune: I sculpted it just for Weiss. Is it okay.

Ruby: Don't worry about it Jaune, I put it in the shallow part. Though, U suppose that it was a bit melted but, it's still okay.

Jaune: Thank you so much Ruby,
Because I spend a lot of time on that statue and it would a real pain having to do it all over again like that. You know, I'm feeling kind of board, so do you want to play some video games?

Ruby: Oh yes please, that sound like fun!

Jaune: Okay then Ruby.

Jaune turned on the tv and started to adjust the setting so that he could play the video game.The tv was big and it could take up a lot of time, setting up that blasted thing.

Jaune: Now, this should be just fine now.

The game that they were playing as something do with Grimm. They wanted to see who can kill the most Grimm. Jaune is a pro at the game while Ruby was still getting use to it and was now getting the hang of it.

Jaune: What's the matter Ruby? Can't keep up?

Ruby: I'm just starting to get use to the controller that all.

Yang: Come on Ruby! You can do it! Kick his butt!

The game was over and the person to score the most points was Jaune. Jaune let out a victory post while Ruby sighed in defeat.

Yang: My turn!

Yang pushes Ruby out of the way and took up the controller. Yang was really cool at the game. She was a pro also and Jaune was giving her one hell of a fight. The game was over and Jaune was once again the winner.

Jaune : Don't beat yourself over it Yang. You did a really good job.

Yang: Thanks. I'll get you next time though.

RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now