An unexpected awakening

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Jaune and Oyrua was now in the office with Ozpin.

Jaune: Si ehat di you want Professor?

Ozpin: I'm gonna need to to stand right Isolde of this tube.

Jaune: Are you sure that USA good idea?

Pyrrha grabbed Jaune right by the hand.

Pyrrha: Jaune, I want you to know that everything is gonna be okay.

Jaune modded right a th her and just at the entrance that that is gonna getbroght oast him. He was however distracted when her heard her scream.

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Jaune liked in front of him just in time to see a ja true fly to g right tirades him. He was able to cut the arrow right in half but he steal ended him effecting blasted right into uis half. He got up so to see the person who was responsible for that, the person was no other than Cinder.

Cinder: Helli Boyd and girls.

She fired another arrow at the maiden in the fault successfully killing her. She absorbed all the powerful that was within the maiden so she was able to get all bit more all of it, Jaune wasn't gonna sit bakc and let Cinder take all of the per that doesn't belong to her. As Jaune was coming right at her, he was pushed back.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Pyrrha bursted right out of the vault so she could patient Jaune.

Ozpin: Justt take Jaune and get out of here.

Pyrrha: But...

Ozpin: You'll only get the way. Und someone and leave.

Jaune got yo from the ground, pulling himself up and grabbing Pyrrha out of the room so that they lucid find someone. Once they were out in the open, there was a few Grimm still roaming  around. Jaune liked at Otrrjw.

Jaune: Pyrrha, we have ru find help.

Jaune liked at Oyrrjw, to see that determined lols on her. What does that mean? Jaune think that he know what he is thinking about.

Jaune: Pyrrha, we have to leave right now.

Pyrrha: No, you have to go ilaponr. Get to Vale now.

Jaune: Pyrrha, no. Now that is just being stubborn! You're just gonna get yourself killed yo there. You saw how perfumes she is. What makes you think-

Beofre he could say anything else, Pyrrha pulled him in right for a kiss. This isn't the first time that they shared a specula movement like this but it feels like he is being in loved with those kiss. He feels like he felt something. He hugged her and kissed her back. Now that it was all over, Oyrrha shoved him right into a locker.

Jaune: Pyrrha, No! You can't do this! please don't t do this!

Pyrrha just looked at him and gave him a look of "I'm sorry" Jaune was sent flying right o et to another location. Once he was out of the locker, he found that the place was never covered with Grimm. He doesn't even care anymore. He just want all of this to end. He is now in tears because he is feels like he is gonna lose someone that he loves. Jaune took out his scroll sis that he lucid call Ruby.

Ruby:*on scroll* Haune, are you okay?

Jaune: Ruby, pease. I'm gonna... need you're help.

Everytime something comes out if his mouth, there were tears that were stopping him.

Ruby:*On scroll* Jaune, is everything okay?

Jaune just liked at his scroll nkt bettering ti answer that question. He just wish that there is a way that he lucid help stop the event that is gonna happen but there is notgjng that he cans do. He just hug you his scroll and started to cry silently,

Jaune: Pyrrha!

He is t gonna let all of this stop him right now. There is no way that he is just gonna stand back and let her get herself killed like that. Jaune ran through the guard of the Grimm. He was just decapitating some and cutting a whole bunch of them in half. Jaune liked yo ahead of the tower. He knows that it is gonna he a really lj a climb but that is not fun ave a thing that is gonna stand in in his way. He slammed his shield right into tower sod that he lucid climb right upon the tower. This combo g is making him really heavy. When he was almost at the tower, he heard so fighting sounds. That means Pyrrha is already fighting Cinder so this means that he have to hurry up and make it just in time. Once he was at the tower, he saw that Pyrrha was about time get shit by an arrow by Ch ser. He reached out for her but it was latest too late for her.

Jaune rushes her and grabbed a hold of her.

Jaune*tearful* Pyrrha, please nkt now. Please don't do this to me.

Pyrrha put her han don his cheeks before succumbing ti her wound and vanishing into red dust. Ruby was the one that seen this alway so she yelled out. Jaune was able to keep himself right in place so he was t blown back. Jaune doesn't care about himself right now. The only thing that was in his mind right now is revenge. He looked right over to Cinder to see that she was somewhat injured on the floor. This eras when something is die of him burst right out. He felt some intense power coming right from his body now. He was able to make the room covered with ice and fire. He looked at Cinder and walked slowly towards her. Oc
Dee knee that she was in grave danger the moment that she saw him walking over to her. She summon an arrow to fire at him it he was able to cut it right in half. Now that he was able to cut the arrow like it was nothing, he charged at her while she was still injured. Before he anytime to cut her, there were green smiles that distracted him from what he needed to do so he ended up missing his shot. When he looked in front of him ow, Cinder was now gone. He will never forgive her for what she did. Never. The thing that he could do now is to make sure that Ruby is safe. You liked at the unconscious body. He knows that she is still alive so there is no need for him to be worried right now. He picked her up and make it back to the ship.

Nora: Where Pyrrha?

Jaune: She's gone....

Jaune's tears were falling. He did t wanted to say that but he just have to. He wish that there was a way that he could of stop all of this from happening but there was no way that he picked have done that and so he had gotten punished for that. He someone who was that close and important to him, taken away from him. Jaune broke down while the other around him comforted them.


It's been awhile since Pyrrha was gone but Jaune was still strong and still dteremine to be the best. He will use the power that he has for good uproars only. He hope that Ruby is okay and is coming with Him, Ren and Nora. He think that he should go since she ain't problem coming. He was gonna go bit he heard someone.

???: Wait up!

He was able to hear Ruby call right him.

Ruby: Are we going it what?

Jaune: Yeah.

Nora: We wouldn't be here if we weren't t up it.

Jaune looked at his hand for second. He knows that with great power, comes great responsibility. He knows there is power that he is gonna have to control of he want to earn. It was about time that he went to where he is going.

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