Big surpises.

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Jaune and his teammates were celebrating their little victory because of all they dominated that fight. Jaune didn't knew that he was gonna make it out on top but somehow he did. He was the lucky one to have such supportive Teammates and friends. Jaune felt really tired from t he fight. Jaune suddenly felt a hand that touched him on the shoulders. He looked to see that it was Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Good work out there Jaune.

Jaune: Thanks Pyrrha, Uncouldnt have done it without some help.

Team JNPR find a spot in the audience so that they were close to Team RWBY. Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Blake all looked at them because they really did kick some butts out there.

Ruby: You guys were so awesome!

Jaune: Yeah, I know. But I'm sure that Pyrrha was the one that did the most coolest stunt out there.

Ruby: No, Jaune. I mean that all of you did sos good in your own.

Jaune: Even me?

Ruby: Yeah Jaune. I think you did good as well. You've really improved. I think that you're gonna be one of the most skilled fighters at Beacon.

Jaune: Ruby, you know that you shouldn't joke with me like that.

Ruby: Who said that I was joking? I was just telling the truth.

Jaune: Well, I don't know about that Ruby. But I think that you might just be right about that.

Jaune ser his sight at the match now that it was about to start. It was TEAM SSSN vs Team NDGO.

Weiss: Oh good luck out there Neptune!

Weiss expression changed when Neptune said something that really angered her. He looked at Team NDGO in a very flirting way.

Neptune: Ladies.

This really gets Weiss in a really angry mood.

Weiss: Break his stupid face, NDGO!

Jaune wouldn't like to flirt with another girl when he is right to Weiss because he might get frozen or something. Jaune just remembered that he had to get something delivered at quickly as possibly.

Ruby: Where are you okay?

Jaune: I just need to get some stuff delivered.

Ruby: But Jaune, You'll miss majority of y he fight.

Jaune: I don't mind missing anything at all Ruby. You can just tell what it was all about. That would be really delightful.

Jaune races right out of the arena to get some packages that he need to deliver to a bar for some reason. Man, the package that he was carrying was so huge by the way. He hopes that it was really worth it though. Once Jaune got the package delivered to the bar, he saw a man who looked like he was really drunk and was in his 30s.

Jaune: Hey.

Man: What do you want kid?

Jaune: Why do you need to have so many alcohol?

Man: Tgat is seriously none of your concerns right now.

Jaune didn't have anytime to argue with the man. He should probably head back to the stadium and watch what is going on. But, he need to get his weapon sharpen and whatsoever ever upgraded so the he could be fully prepared if he get send to the doubles round. He saw the glowing in his palm again. What does it have to happen right now? Why is this glow suddenly occurring right now. Jaune need to do something that would somehow make this sort of thing go away. It's has to either the fact that he is nervous right now since it was getting g brighter and brighter. Jaune let the nerves in his body calm down so the bright light could indeed go away. Now that the light was gone, Jaune continued the part where he is gonna do his training on his own. On his way there, He bumped right into Team CRDL.

RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now