Never miss a beat.

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It was another day at the Vytal Festival. All the fighters are getting ready to fights and had all cool weapons with them. The first Team that Jaune spoke to was team CRDL.

Jaune: I hope that you guys do well out there. I wish you all the best of luck.

Cardin: No you don't.

Jaune: Fine, I just hope your team wins and not embarrass yourselves.

They just all ignored Jaune and went on to the match. Jaune sat in the audience along with everyone else. The two members of CRDL were Russel and Sky and they were fighting in the doubles round. It looks like there were in trouble. There opponents were Penny and her teammate Ciel. Penny lifted up the boulder that there were hiding behind and lifted them all up in the air. She slammed them down with all her strength.

Penny: Thank you for your time.

Russel was about to get up but a tiny little stone came slamming into his head, knocking him out. The match was so perfect. Jaune could watch that all over again. He love the victory by Penny and her friend. What should he do before the next match begins? Maybe he should try and train more but that would only take up a lot of time and he couldn't risk missing a few of the match. He wanted to see Weiss and Yang in action so maybe he should just wait. It wouldn't kill him to stay a little longer and watch the match with two of  the best girls of team RWBY. It wood be really great to see them kick a little of butts out there. Ruby could use a little talking since she is one of the person that he has her spoken to. It's funny how Ruby was the one that he had thought about first. He might of been developing some sort of feelings for her or something but anyways, enough of that, he need to speak to her. Walking out of the stadium,!you walked up to Ruby.

Jaune: Hey Ruby.

Ruby: Hey Jaune.

Jaune: How has things been going with you lately.

Ruby: Good. It's also going great even since I got to hang out with my uncle Qrow. He's really awesome and he's really cool. You should come and meet him sometimes.

Jaune: It would indeed be awesome since he did make a big mess of the courtyard.

Ruby: Yeah, but don't worry about it. It was all fixed up by Glynda. So what are you up to?

Jaune: Nothing. I'm just up to getting my weapon upgraded so that I could be one of the strongest students that Beacon have to offer.

Ruby: Jaune, you know that you don't need to have your weapon upgraded and for it to be awesome just to be cool. You're still pretty cool Jaune. You're awesome. I like how you fight in battle and how you took care of those Grimm. You really are taking it seriously down at beacon.

Jaune: That's one of the nicest things that anyone has ever said to me. You and Pyrrha, especially Weiss are one of the best people I hav ever met in beacon. You all treated me with kindness and been like a really good friends to be. You have to be the nicest people that I have ever spoken to in here in beacon, besides Pyrrha.

Ruby: Really Jaune?

Jaune: Yeah really. You are a really great fighter Ruby and a cute little thing also. I like how you fight in a nice dress of yours.

Ruby: It's a combat skirt Jaune.

Jaune: Yeah, I know that. I just wanted to mess with you Ruby.

Jaune notices that Ruby's cheeks were red.

Jaune: Ruby, you are blushing.

Ruby: No, I am not.

Her cheeks were just getting redder and redder when Jaune had pointed it out. Jaune saw the embarrassment in her face and it was just adorable of her. He like how she was resisting that he was blushing.

Jaune: Ruby, you are just too cute. So did you have anywhere to go to?

Ruby: No, I don't Jaune. I do in fact want to speak to speak with Penny.

Jaune: Sorry I won't bother you anymore Ruby. Sorry if I have been really annoying to Ruby. So enjoy your time with Penny.

Jaune sat back down so that he could wait for th next many to begin. Yang and Weiss were next to fave their opponent. There were Flynt and Neon. Jaune heard the conversation and it wasn't pretty.

Neon: Hey where you get hit hair extensions.

Yang: This is just my normal hair.

Neon: ohh really?

Yang: Is that a problem-?

Neon: You should try roller skating sometimes! It's super fun! It might probably take you a walk though, since you're so.... you know, too heavy.

Yang: Excuse me?

That conversations isn't a happy one. Jaune could tell by Yang's voice that it is gonna get so ugly. The match was about begin and it wasn't gonna to well for both Weiss and Yang since their opponent is giving them a really hard time. Neon was just toy with Yang into is all just angry.

Jaune: Come on Yang! You can do this! Don't let her get you angry. That is what she wants that so that you can Lowe your guard.

Jaune hope that Tang has heard his comment from the audience so ya she could take his advice. That would help her out a lot. Unfortunately she wasn't listening to a single word that he was saying to her. Jaune saw that fight was getting really ugly and Yang is having a really bad time. The next thing that caught his sight is when Weiss sacrifices herself to take out Flynt. This could be over for Yang hit he saw something. Her eyes were turning red and it means that her semblance is now in use. This clan be over. She sieges eavkith of Flynt's trumpet attack and once she hit ahold of his trumpet, she turns the table on him and eliminated him.

Jaune: Yeah! There you go Yang!

Neon was having trouble with her roller skate which makes her trip a lot. This is making it so easy for Yang. When she tripped and ended up in the sky, Yang took her Chance to fire at her and now Neon was eliminated. Jaune hopes that his precious little snowflakes is alright so him and the eat at of Team RWBY went to check in her.

Jaune: Weiss, are you okay?

Weiss: Yeah, I'm fine. But I may not be singing in for a while.

Yang: You know I I'm not sure that was proper form.

Weiss sarcastically laughed before coughing. The rest of her team went up to her side.

Neon: What? We lost? team FNKI lost? That is amazing! You guys are so awesome and think that we should party together skmethkmes.

Now that the match was done with, Jaune went to meet soul with Ourrha. He want to tell her how great that meat he was. If he is somehow decided to hei in the finals, then he will be become strong no matter what and push himself more. He's not gonna a let anything.

Sorry if it's too short. I'm just a bit tired. That's all. I promise that I would make it up to you guys in the nest part. Anyways, peace out.

RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now