Bad things are happening

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Jaune was in a quiet place where him and Pyrrha were alone and training togetherness. They clashed both their weapons. Jaune kicked her back and he was gonna attack forward. He manages to knock her weapon away and he made an attempt to hit her across the face with his shield but she uses her semblance to Push back his shield. Now that there was an opening for her, she was about to swipe his foot but  Jaune saw what she's doing and he was able to dodge her incoming attack. He knocked his shield up against her shield, making her back up into the wall. Pyrrha was so amazed and impressed of how well tha he has improved.

Pyrrha: Nice. I see that you have gotten a lot better there Jaune.

Jaune: Thank you. Um....Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: What is it Jaune?

Jaune: I was thinking if it is time thatI told Weiss about how I feel?

Pyrrha: I don't know about that Jaune. Maybe you should start with a compliment and without a doubt, you and her would become closer.

Jaune: Thanks for the tips Pyrrha. I'm gonna go try that. Right now that is.

Jaune went to leave but before he did, Pyrrha had something to tell him.

Pyrrha: Oh and before leave, be sure to tell her may the best girl gets the tiger.

She gave him a smile while he returned back. He doesn't know what it is all about but he need to do something for Weiss. The ice sculpture is good for her but he want to make something that is would at least make her happier than that. He went into the library, and a giant sign. He took a little time drawing and hoping that it was small worth it. When Weiss walked in, she saw the sign. It say "Hello, my snow angel". Weiss just scoffed and move on with her day reading her books and focus on her studies. Jaune guess that wasn't even get her attention. He need to try harder. He got a big giant cheese and began to carve into it. He showed it to her. It was a snowflake. She wasn't impressed that much. What can Jaune do to make her so impressed. Yang saw how hard Jaune is trying to impressed Weiss but it turns how he was failing to do so.

Yang: Hey there lady killers. Having some problem?

Jaune: Yeah. What makes you ask that.

Yang: I see that you are trying to get the little snowflake.

Jaune: But it looks like she's not interested in the stuff that I was showing to her.

Yang: Well you're gonna I've to do a lot better than that if you wanna win her over. How bout you try with some flowers.

Jaune came with some flowers just as Yang asked.

Yang: Those looks wonderful, how about you try with something like these?

Yang smacked the flowers that Jaune had brought out of his hand and gave him another. Jaune went to Weiss so that he could hand her the flowers.

Jaune: Here you go Weiss, I hope that you like these flowers.

Weiss: Thank you Jaune.

As Weiss took the flowers though, some water squirted all over her dress.

Weiss: Ah!My hair! My dress!

Jaune: I'm sorry Weiss! I didn't know.

Jaune went back to Yang and he was angry.

Yang: Sorry Jaune, I just find that to be quite hilarious.

Yang started to laugh uncontrollably while just holding her stomach. Jaune growled in frustration.

Jaune: What else can I do?

RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now