Defending the kingdom

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The microphone to Beacon went on. The person that started to talk was talking is evil.

Woman on microphone: Tgis is not abteadegy. This is an accident. This is what happens when you had over yir trust. Your safety. Your children. To men which aims to be your guardians. But are, in reality... are nothing more than men. Our acedmy headmaster wield more peer than armies. And one was Acadia outs enough to control both. They cling to this power to the name of peace. And eat, what do we have here? One's nation attempt at a synthetic army,

Jaune tried to yell out to Pyrrha Nd tried to warn her about the danger that is gonna happen right now.

Jaune: Pyrrha! You have to get out of there! That thing is gonna break in!

No matter how many times that he yelled out to her, she just didn't move. She was just standing there in shock about what she did. Jaune could t watch and see that person that he live get hurt like that. He wanted to keep her safe so he jumped out of the stadium and he don't let anyone stop him. By the time that he went over to Pyrrha sos that he could warnher, the nevermore broke in and send the both of them back. Jaune looked up ahead to see the nevermore about to attack Pyrrha but he uses his sword so that he could stab the nevermore.

Jaune: Leave her alone !

It was about to attack again but there were weapons lockers that landed right in its back, oinking it down. He helped Pyrrha off of the ground while she was still in shocked about what she had dine. She liked right at Ruby, while she was still crying.

Pyrrha: Ruby, I'm... I'm so sorry.

She had Penny's clothe in her hand and she sobbed right into it.

Jaune: No. none of this is on you. The person talking on the microphone is cause of it all.

The students were all fine getting their weapons. Once they were done, the nevermore stood up and it was ready to attack. Jaune was the one to come straight at it. He put his shield right in front of himself and with all his strength and all the force that he had in his body, he pushes it back into a wall. Jaune was now fond of the new power that he had just suddenly awakened with. He looked over to Pyrrha to see that she was still feeling sad about how she just took a life of an innocent person. Jaune was painful hie she is feeling that way right now. He took her by the hand and looked her right into ye face. The look that he was giving her was telling her that "That everything is gonna be okay". Jaune will always be there right by her side as she would do the same for him. He hope that one day, all of these fightung will all be over and things would  turn out be peace without fighting. The nevermore that was pinned down by the locker was getting up. The students of beacon heaths. To form so that they could fight off the Grimm. Jaune ain't gonna he sit around and let the other do the work this time. As the nevermore was getting ready to attack, Jaune rushes hit wards and jumped up and hit it in the face really hard pushing it back. He swung his sword really hard, slicing off its wing. He just jumped up for the last time so that he could decapitated it. The students looked at him with astonishment. Ruby looked at him and smiled to see that he is really phasing himself and is becoming a really decent fighter. She lit her hand k his shoulders.

Ruby: Hey Jaune, I'm gonna have to ask a fever of you.

Jaune: What is it Ruby?

Ruby: Can I borrow your scroll?

Jaune nodded at her and handed her his scroll so that she could get her locker with her weapon in it. As the her weapon locker landed right in front of her, there was a Griffin that was gonna attack but it was shot by Professor Port.

Port: Students, I think it would be best for you to leave.

Jaune: No. we can stay here. You have to let us fight.

Oobleck: Mr Arc. I appreciate you trying to help but this what is going down in history. I would rather that my students live so that they could tell about it. We can't afford to lose anymore life's here.

The students did as they were told so they decided to run. There were all were running for their lives. Jaune see that there was a girl that was gonna get attack by a beowolf but he hurried up and deciaouted it.

Jaune: Go.

The girl got up and looked at him in a which way thank you. Everyone continued running into
They were met by Itonwood.

Ruby: What's glowing in?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawiling all over the city. And to make it even worse, some...

He shottoena Hromm that was coming right up grind everyone.

Jaune: There's got be a way that we can al help. If you would just let his come with you.

Ironwood: No, you would just come I the way: I prefer it if you would all go and leave.

Jaune couldn't bare to listen to these word because it sound like ironwood is gonna go out here and get himself killed.

Jaune: You can't do that is by yourself. You can just allow us all to help. There is no use defending the kingdom if you're just him aget yourself killed.

Ironwood: and, the only options that you have left is to pretax the kingdom and yourself.

Ironwood boarded the show without a second thought. All the others went aboard the ship so that they could get to the kingdom and protect all of the people there. Jaune was right by Pyrrha. He will never leave her side as long he leave. He will be right there with her.Jaune looked out the window to see the ship that Ironwood wa so , falling right out of the sky.

Jaune: No...

Sun: Ruby, what the hell are you doing?

Jaune looked to see Ruby running out if the ship. He wanted to stop her but r knows her. She is a really string and confident. In the deepest part of his heart, he knows that she will be okay. Once
There was at Ale, they saw that the city was overrun with Grimms. Jaune was te fort one take ti charge at the Grimm. He poked up in fro tug yo to see that there was a Grimm that was about ru run right at home. He rolled out of the way, stabbing the Grimm right through the mouth. And then there was another one that was about to take her swing at him. He was about to block the swing but Ourgha came and knees turnGrimm right it the face. Jaune knee that that is his time to strike so he decorated the Grimm. It may all looks like it is going real well for all of th he students but there were mech that
We're coming.

Jaune': This isn't looking good.

Jaune liked to Velvet and Coco.

Coco: Velvet, now could be te time.

Celebrate: Really? Just came just it count.

Bro et modded sta her mans walked yo the ri it.

Weiss: What are you doing? She's gonna get hurt.

Coco: Just watched.

Velvet activated her weapon and just started to unleash her earth in the mech.

Jaune: WOW, Velvet is so cool.

While Velt was doing her best fighting of all the mech, Jaune liked just time to see that there is a mech that is gonna sucker punch her so he did he best to come and block the swing. Even though he was able to block it, it still ended up sending him flying right in his back.

Weiss: Jaune!

The rest started tundir g al the mech but they did no damage what so eve. Weiss got infringe g if it and beofr you know it, there was a giant ice knight and sliced the threch right in half. Jaune think that this all handled so he think that he should
Leave to elsewhere with Pyrrha.

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RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now