A real tradegy.

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Jaune wasn't in the happiest mood of right now since Pyrrha wasn't Nd Niall that well.The only thing that he could do now is watch the match and see her fight her opponent. He hoped that something wrong doesn't happen. He was now errors since he caught a glimpse of her opponent. It was Penny Polendia. She is robot and she is made out of metal and it could start out really bad in the end. It hope that it doesn't though. He walked into the stage to see what was happening. The thing that he found was that Rubybwas fighting Mercury. Wasn't he h EU to? How he here. He I suppose to going back to his home and to be with his family.

Jaune: Mercury! What are you doing here?

Jaune waited for an answer but he did get one.

Jaune: Did you pan this? Do you have any idea what Yang have gone through all because of you?

Jaune was waiting for a respond. Merxurybju ST Bastos right in front sof him with a smirk on his face. Jaune was now angry. He charged right at Mercury. Mercury uses his robot foot to blast himself away from Kaune'sattack. Mercury started to attack back but Jaune lifted his shield up so that he could to protect himself from the blasts. Ruby didn't have her scythe in her but she still have to try and do something. She speed towards him but he kicked her into the ground.

Mercury: Whybdint it both keepnwuiet and enjoy the show.

Jaune gritted his teeth. He cannot let him get away with what he had done. He have to do pay. Jaune's swing his sword at him with all his strengths but Mercury dodges it and kicked him right in t face. Jaune still stood his ground like a soldier.

Jaune: Tell me. Why are you doing this?

Mercury: I don't have to tell you why.

This made Jaune angrier. His sword was being held tighter in his hand.

Ruby: Jaune, I'm gonna need to you want be be ruined. I got this.

Jaune: No, you can do this Ruby. You do t have yir weapon on you.

Ruby: Fo tbworry about me Jaune, I'll be gone without a weapon.

Jaune: No. I'm am tired of everyone always having to do the hard work and me being the dumb idiot who can't ev en defend himself.

Ruby: Jaune, please do t do this to yourself. You have to go right now.

Jaune: I don't care. If I was to get hurt. I will be the one to die as a hero and defender. I won't let you get hurt Ruby.

Ruby: Hiw is this defending others. You're just gonna get yourself hurt!

Jaune: That doesn't matter to be right now. Go!

He pushes Ruby away so that he could she could convince to leave. He sent his glare back at Mercury. The only response that Mercury ever had was just that dumb little smirk on his face. Once Merxurybeas coming at him, he just lifted up his shield so that he could brush off his attack. Mercury landed on his like ot was nothing. He gave Jaune a look which tells him that he was really impressed by his move but it will take a whole lot more than that to keep him down. Jaune won't let this guy who he once called someone. That he could trust get away with a crime that he had just did. He looked at the match that was happening right before him and Ruby attempt to try to tell someone that something g is on but to no avail.

Mercury: Hey! Keep your eyes on the fight that is her piecing right now.

This was a really hard time having to deal with something that is so hard and to defend someone that is about to die. He decided that he should just end it all right there and help Ruby. He abomdandon the fight and went over to Ruby so that he could help her but he felt a sharp kick to his back which came from Mercury. The kick was enough to make him land right in his belly. Mercury ain't gonna let him go that easily. Jaune knew that he is gonna have to fight his way out of this to make it out of there. His kind was goin so would that he could barely even stare at his opponent fully in the face. He felt all his emotions feel up inside and. Him. While the hate was still guiding up inside him, some air by some force blows Mercury bac, sending in straight into a wall. Jaune uses his chance so that he could get some help to somehow stop the match from goijng on. Jaune looked to see Ruby in the glorious, sobbing. He wonder what is he crying about. He looked up head of him to see that Penny is on on the ground and is ripped into pieces, meaning that he is too late. Penny is gone. Pyrrha stood still, shocked about what she had just did. Jaune could t believe his eyes. The heat was guiding up within him. He felt his hand about to glow. This anger couldn't bare within him want longer. He felt some muh he ate that is coming out if him. He pushes, the wall cracking it. He was now discovering his embalmed next but he had a few more way to go before it is fully on unlocked. That doesn't matters to him right now. He just kept his glare at the situation that just occurred.

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RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now