The aftermath.

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Yang was sitting in her room and she was feeling sick of her action. She cannot undo what she had just done. Jaune felt so bad for her, since she was locked up in her room and she was now disqualified from the tournament. She just need some time on her own so Jaune just let her be. Her teammate should the be then ones that should be cheering her up. Jaune decided to cheer up one of the people that is special to him up. He wanted to make Pyrrha happy and so he went to check on her.

Jaune saw Pyrrha and he wanted to talk to her.

Jaune: Hey Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Hey Jaune.

Jaune: I guess that it's really the big day huh? You know, the Vytal tournament is still happening but you've got some skills and I can't wait to see you take out the person that is standing in your way.

Pyrrha: I would  like to see the same of you Jaune.

Jaune: Well, I did learn all types of moves all thanks you to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Yeah, you could say that.

Jaune: Now, I say that we could have a talk.

Jaune and her sat down.

Jaune: Yiu have not been getting the attention that you needed form people. I don't know why is it like that.

Pyrrha: I think it's better that way Jaune.

Jaune: Why? How could you say that Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: I really love how the way people treat me. I really do but everything they look at me, they see a person that is superior to them. They see someone famous.

Jaune: Pyrrha...

Pyrrha: I want people to see me as the person I am. You're the first person that ever treated me like that Jaune.

Jaune: No matter what, Inwill always be there for you Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Well, thank you. I think that I should spend some token alone.

As Pyrrha gotten you, she wa grabbed by Nora.

Nora: What are you doing Pyrrha? No lite moping around. You have to get some practice. Now it's time for you to get down to work.

She dragged her into the dorm. Jaune watches and hope that Pyrrha is doing alright. He stood up and think about a person that he could talk. There was Ru by. He looked all around for her but he couldn't find her anywhere but he suddenly saw her about to enter her.

Jaune: Hey Ruby!

Ruby: Hey Jaune!

Jaune :?Have you talk to Yang yet?

Ruby: Hey Jaune.

Jaune:?IsnYang okay?

Ruby:?Yeah, she fine but she's still overcoming what had just haoomed.

Jaune: I hope that she is okay. So I need to talk about something.

Ruby: Yeah? What is it?

Jaune: It's something that is going to my head. You know.... Pyrrha thinks that people are looking at her because of her fighting skill but I don't want her to feel that way. I want to make it up to her. Do you know how I could do that Ruby?

Ruby: Mhh', I don't know. Tell her how you feel I guess.

Jaune: Whatbdo you mean by that Ruby?

Ruby: You know... give her a.... you know that's it's finally time that you do it Jaune.

Jaune's cheeks were now red.

Jaune: Indint know how about that Ruby, I guess that I could try.

Hoping that he could find a store that sells flowers of some sort, he searched all around the area and finally there was one that interest him. He went to the store.

Jaune: Hey, give me the best ones that you got,

The shopkeeper gave Jaune a bundle of beautiful flowers lying i. The table. He took it up and paid the bill. He had purchased the flowers but his ibi isn't done yet. He need something cheer up Pyrrha some more. He a cotton candy in a stick and that was about lit. He wanna know how Pyrrha would feel if he would do that for her. Later that day, he sat down right next to Pyrrha and he handed her the cotton candy and the flowers.

Jaune: Now, lets have a talk.... you were then first parents to ever believe in me. That when I told my parents that was going to beacon, they said to be that I shouldn't have to worry if have to live back home.

Pyrrha: In sure that they didn't mean to-

Pyrrha stopes whne she felt Jaune's hand on hers.

Jaune: No, matter how many times that I fell on my bass, you were always been there for me. You always pulled me back into my feet and make me a strong man. We've been through tough times like this. I think that it's about that time that I did this all for you... I like you a lot.

Pyrrha was so shook whne those words left Jaune's mouth. She couldn't believe it. He had really just said that. Her thought were interrupted Whe Jaune's pushes his lips up against hers. That's right. It was a passion kiss. The moment was so sweet and it could last like that forever but all goods things have to come to an end. Pyrrha pushes Jaune back.

Jaune: Now, how was that?

Pyrrha: It was....

Pyrrha was in a blushing mess for a second but she had a sad little looks on her face.

Jaune: Oh no, I'm sorry.

Pyrrha: No, it's okay Jaune.... I just wanted to tell you that you are the only person that did that'd for me. I could never be any prouder to tell you that I'm happy that I have met you. I want to be together with you....

Jaune: I feel the same way about you Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Do you believe in destiny?

Jaune:Of course I do. It's our destiny to save the world. You're the toughest fighter I know that can fulfill their destiny. You're Pyrrha Nikos. You would never back down form a challenge.

Jaune saw that Pyrrha was sobbing.

Jaune: Pyrrha, is there anything wrong? Is something that I said?


Jaune: Pyrrha, if there is something that you need to talk to me about, you could just talk to me.


Her semblance was able to send Jaune's armor along with him into the wall. Pyrrha lover over to Jaune and saw what she had done.

Pyrrha: Jaune! I'm... sorry! I'm so sorry.

Jaune: No, wait!

It was too late.Pyrrha ran away sobbing. Jaune thought to himself and though " What did I do? How could he make Pyrrha cry like that.

Jaune: *To himself* Nice going Jaune.

He doesn't know what can he do to make up for what he did. He hopes that Pyrrha would do okay by herself. One day, he will cheer her up. No matter, he hoped that she would do fine in the vytal tournament. He just need to take his teammates and everything will be okay, or at least the hope that it would be. He waited out the rest of the day and all he could think about now is Pyrrha. The tournament is gonna start and he hope that Pyrrha is gonna be well out there and doesn't be too hard on herself.

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