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Third Person POV

Gravity Falls, has a folktale that has been told for ages, many of the older generations still calm that it's true, that they witnessed it. Many of the young call it a silly overrated fairy tail.

Either way everyone in Gravity Falls knows the story of "The God and the Thief".

It starts in the forest in which the town was built, The people that built the town believed it would be safe there because of the God protecting the forest and it's... strange creatures. But they were wrong, that God could care less about the humans that moved into his forest his soul job was to watch over the life of the forest he could not care for the virus that moved into it.

Instead it became his new job to keep his creatures from the humans.

And he did, kept them apart by lightly scaring out the people and making sure the creatures stay in line.

He had one weakness thought, curious creatures. That's why when two young twins wandered into his forest he let them walk around, the girl lost interest only following the boy around. The boy was the curious one he was the one the God followed. They say that day the God sun was at its highest, the tree's their greenest, and the creatures at their calmest.

That was till the day ended.

After that it was never the same.


It's gone. It's gone. It's gone.

Where the hell did it go.

My journal.

I believe this was the hundredth time I had torn the place apart, by place I meant my house, the forest, and the town.

I had never once touched the town, I pushed the people away but ever went into the town. But now I had turned it upside down over and over again but my journal was gone. One boy and one girl but I had seen them leave my eyes where on the boy almost the whole time. So how the hell did he find it.

But like the Journal I couldn't find the boy or the girl, they were gone too.

Dipper POV

One weekend was not enough away from the city, or away from my family. Me and My sister Mabel went to visit our uncle who lived in the middle of nowhere called Gravity Falls. It was a breath of fresh air and the forest was breathtaking.

I may have dragged Mabel out to explore with me, she didn't really want to and only came because I told her there would be cute bunnies out there.

The forest was gorgeous and alive, the trees looked like they were breathing and birds over head sung as they flew from branch to branch.

The creatures around me where strange, I had never seen them before and I know knew their names because I found a book. Well Mabel found it God knows where but when she brought it back to me, I found the most amazing descriptions of the animals around me.

But something that amazing could never last forever, we were called back to the shack and the next morning we took the bus home and I took my new book with me.

Third Person POV

After the day the twins left people began to fear the forest, a nickname sprouted from this fear, parents use it to keep their kids from miss behaving and visitors are always warned away with it.

God's Forgotten Forest. The name itself isn't scary but it's what it implies that scared the people, the idea that the God they thought protected the forest and the town had left, or gone mad.

As the story goes the God ravished the town killing many of the people, the rest where left to hide in free desperately looking for the journal to return to the God so he wouldn't destroy the rest of Gravity Falls. He only slowed his rampage because of the forest, he had been turning it upside down and upsetting the creatures that live in it. People believe he stopped because his had been reminded of his true purpose in the forest.

From there on the forest became erilly quiet, and the God wasn't heard from again.

But this is only the beginning of our story.


I'm back baby. Do you like it? Do you guys think this could be a good story?

I don't know but I'm going to go with it for now. Yes I know I said I wanted to do another ship but there's something about Billdip that is easy and fun for me to write so that's what I'm going to go with for right now.

The God and the ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now