Run Away(10)

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Bill POV

It was insanely hard to not use my abilities to get Pinetree away from that house, I was kicking myself for not letting him leave with me this morning.

We had made it far enough into the forest that I knew they wouldn't find us out here. After I stopped and put Pinetree down he fell back muttering to himself.

"This is bad, this is bad, this is bad." he ran his hands threw his hair and over his cheek.

"They won't find us out here." I sighed crouching down in front of him.


"I'm here!"

"Help me!! Please!"

"How can you know that?" Pinetree asked, I blink. Had he just spoke or- "He's going to be so mad, he might just kill me."


I shook my head, ignoring the wave of repressed memories that were now coming crashing back. "I won't let that happen," I reassured focusing back in on Pinetree and calming him down.

"Why do you care?" he pulled at his hair, "I left my hat..." he muttered more for himself than for me.

"No one should be treated like that," I sighed leaning back to cross my legs under myself.

"Why does everyone seem scared of you? My Grunkle locked me in my house to keep me from you. My sister broke out in tears when she saw you. And Wendy, the calmest girl I know freaked out and would have rather taken me to my Grunkle who just hit me instead of letting me stay with you. Why?" He looked me in the eye, out of habit I looked down the the journal in his lap, both of his hands rested holding it.


"And they all have called you a god?! But gods don't exist! Even my freaking bus driver when I got here told me not to go in the forest because of a god! Wendy told me about what happened right after me and Mabel left, after I left with your journal. You yourself said you lost it when you found we had stolen it!!" His voice rose and he started to get more and more worked up.

"Pinetree!" I grabbed his leg and his jumped.

"Why do they say that about you? Tell me the truth." He pushed, he had instinctively brought my journal to his chest when I touched him,.

I ran a hand threw my hair, "I don't know how to explain that."

He sighed, "So then tell me why everyone else in the town is so scared of you."

"I've never been the towns favovorate, but for a long time they left me alone and I left them alone but then your Grunkles moved to town, one of them started making a profit off hunting my family and selling them as tourist attractions, the other would came into the forest and study us. What they were doing was being more and more people in the forest, I had to scare them off because of it. You have to understand the only thing I've ever wanted was to be left alone, and for my family to be left alone." I explained vaguely.

"Your family?" He asked leaning forwards he seemed to have calmed down, the fear of his grunkles replaced with his fascination over what I had to say.

"The creatures that live here with me. I call them my family." I explained.

"But you just scaring them out of the forest doesn't explain why they react so strongly or why they hate the journal as well."

"I know, Dipper I want to be clear with you. I was unsure before and honestly still am," I paused looking him over, he showed no signs of judgement he only looked curious and open to anything. He's said before that he's read my journal over and over and that his favorite part was more my thoughts than findings. If only he knew... "Your family, that girl, they were right about one thing. I'm not human..." I searched his face for any negative response.

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