Man Hunt(11)

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Ford POV

I had the whole town on the lookout by the end of the day, anyone that saw Dipper or that psychopathic God would come tell me or Stan.

We had almost everyone from town on edge, about half of them where to afraid of the forest to come in with us on a hunt for Dipper, and even more of them said straight up "no way", but a few people that were the ones that fought back when the god snapped and attacked the town, they said they would come out with us to look for Dipper.

We decided on the shack as a meet up place, the first man that showed was the town's chief of police, Captain Lowsmith. Lowsmith's a hard ass and does not get along with Stan. The second was Wendy's father and her older brothers, they were not the brightest of people but their strong and afraid of nothing.

The last two showed up together, Maro and Tomason two men that move to town after the first attack and worked hard to pull the town back together.

"What's the boy look like, Stanford?" Lowsmith asked trying to take the lead like I expected him to.

Mabel showed him a picture of Dipper and he nodded. "Alright this is everyone, so let's get moving. We have a kidnapped kid on our hands." Lowsmith clapped spinning on his heel to address everyone showing those who need to see it the picture of Dipper.

I rolled my eyes and stepped in front of him to get the attention of the room, " We're going to head out as a group to where we last saw Dipper from there we'll split up and look for him till the sun goes down. If we don't find him before then you can head home, but me and my brother plan to stay out looking for him."

They all nodded, "Stanford, we will stay out with you till the boy is found." Wendy's father reassured and they all muttered their agreements.

"Ok let's get going." Stanly said hitting my shoulder and leading everyone out of the shack.

It took about 30 minutes to find the spot where we had last seen Pinetree that morning.

"Man it's strange being out this far, I don't I've been out here before." One of Wendy's brothers, he was the tallest but also the thinnest, if I remembered right his name is Kevin.

"Ya, we've never been out this far," The eldest of the three Marcus, remarked to his brothers putting a hand on the youngest shoulder.

Gus growled, bushing off his brother's hand, "I've been out this far." he teased.

His father however put him in his place by simply ruffling his hair, "No you haven't."

"Ok from here will split up. We can walk in teams of two or three." I said over them.

"If you don't mind Stanford I would like if we looked together," Lowsmith said eying my brother.

"Soos you're with me." Stanly gruffed turning away from Lowsmith's glare.

"Alright, who else will walk in pairs, we should know who's with who." I continued.

"I'll go with Wendy," Mabel piped up, I nodded to her.

"Alright! Girl power!" Wendy laughed throwing an arm over Mabel's shoulders, she would be safe with Wendy so I didn't have her join me like I wanted her too.

"Gus can come with me, boys do you want to join us or make your own team?" Manly Dan asked, putting his hand on Gus's shoulder.

"We got this dad, we'll find Dipper first!" the cheered high fiving, turning the rescue of my nephew into a game.

"Maro and I will look together and shout for you if we find anything."

"Thank you, Tomason." He nodded and took Maro's hand. "Let's find Dipper" I egered and with that the teams split up, we had a lot of ground to cover and a god to hide from.

Dipper POV

Bill had excused himself, said something along the lines of checking up on his family" leaving me to the empty house with permission to look around. Well permission for all the rooms except for the room with the journals.

His words rung in my ear one last time, "You can look around and get comfortable if you want just don't go looking through my other journals you already have one, so stay out of there." right before I pushed the doors open and flicked on the light. The room was breathtaking every book in perfect order, I was dying to read them all.

I stepped up to the tablets, They would be the most challenging. But I hate reading a serse backwards. I took the first one of the shelf, it was old but heavy, the edges were rough and dug into my hands as I held it, the images on it looked even older than hieroglyphics.

"Oh my..." I breathed, Pulling the stone back carefully I slowly looked at all the other tables, the last was the smoothest and the pictures looked a lot like hieroglyphics, "I wonder if he put any dates on these..." next to the last tablet was what looked like the first one he had ever done on paper, it was a poorly stitched together book made of thick yellow paper. Compared to the tablets it looked like it could fall apart at any moment. It along with a full row of about 10 or 15 books all looked like they came from the same time period, the next set of 10 were better bound and the paper was thinner, not as thin as paper we have now but thinner than the books before it. The trend went on like that with small improvement to every set of journals till I made it back around to the other side of the stone tablets where the second to last place was empty.

"This must be where my journal goes... and this," I ran my finger down the spin of the last book, "must be the new one he started after I stole the one he was working in."

I pulled the last one off the shelf and opened it, only to find that barely the first half was full, and all of it was in extremely simple code compared to the ones in the journal I read, just taking a quick look was like reading a second language my brain easily translated to english for me. I closed the journal, reading it would be much more interesting after he finishes coding it.

A journal just a few shelves over caught my eye, the spin of it was weaved like a basket with gold entangled in it. I walked over to it. The paper was old but the bounding was strong, the basket weave looked as if it was the first kind of hardback created. I pulled the book off the shelf and opened to the first page, most of the codes were greek numbers and images. I hummed lightly tapping my finger on the first word, 5 numbers.

The amount of combinations swam around in my brain.

Humming I turned on my heel, nose still in the journal I hit the light off with my eldo and pulled the doors closed with my toes, only moving one hand to fully close the door.

I made it back to the couch with only bumping into one wall, I found in the kitchen some sticky notes and a pen, with then I got to work on the first page.

I had been so busy I didn't even notice when the sun went down, that was till I heard the front door open, and Bill's words played in my head again. "You can look around and get comfortable if you want just don't go looking through my other journals you already have one, so stay out of there."



WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Dipper's in troubbbble. In more ways than one. ;P

Also side happy note, yesterday was my boyfriend's birthday!

The next chapter should be out by Friday, tho I'm thinking of doing a little fluff one shot for valentines day that's separate from the book but I would publish it here because I don't write one shots often. (if it's not obvious it would be a Billdip one shot) 

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