The Letter(21)

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I just realized we are already in chapter 21 and the boys aren't even thinking about dating yet. Like I gave you one fluff scene so far. Oops. I'm a slow burn writer. I'm s o r r y. Oh well I'm not rushing things now, just means a long book for you guys.


Dipper POV

Wendy told me the search groups were planning to take another look in an hour, so I only had an hour to do what I needed too.

"I'm sure he told you but I've been in contact with Captain Lowsmith, and he made me promise to do check ins with him." I started, she nodded along confirming he had talked to her yesterday about me.

"Well I think the best way to do that is to send him letters, now in the future my letters will be just for him, but parts of this one can be shared with the class. It will end the searches, I just don't know what it will cause next. That part is up to Lowsmith."

"What are you planning to say to him?" she asked.

I looked down at the blank paper in front of me, taking the pen into hand, "This."

--Time Skip--

Wendy POV

With the letter in hand I left the house, Dipper had taken back to my room to continue his work with the stolen journal.

"Hey Wendy, I was just about to come get you!" Mabel called from down the street waving happily. Quickly I stuffed the letter in my pocket, she can't know I have it.

"Hey Mabel, I'm coming." I smiled back jogging a little to reach her. We walked peacefully through town. It seemed almost like normal, but I could see her eyes flashing every which way as we walked, she was still looking for any sign of her brother. I hope the letter can bring her some peace, but it might also send her off the edge.

"Wendy," she hummed.


"You know he's ok too, right?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Dipper, He's got to be ok, he wouldn't stay away this long if he wasn't." she explained.

I smile, Dipper may not see it but the amount of faith she has for her brother could out way anything in her heart. "Ya, I know."

"Good." she whispered.

When we made it to the shack Mabel was pulled away by her grunkle giving me time to hand off the letter to Lowsmith.

He was in the kitchen with Maro and Tomason. The two of them were in the middle of a conversation while Lowsmith was listening in. I sat down next to him and took a piece of bacon from the middle plate, shifting almost too close to him I poked his side. He turned swiftly to me, raising a brow. I quickly shushed him and pointed down to my lap, where I had moved the letter too. The shock on his face melted into confusion. I handed it to him under the table before taking another piece of bacon from the plate.

"Read it." I muttered sliding out of the table and shoving the bacon in my mouth walking off to find Mabel and wait.

Lowsmith POV(Sorry for all the POV changes)

"Excuse me." I waved at the men across the table from me engrossed in their own conversation. I got nothing more than a small nod and a side glance so I got up and took the paper Wendy gave me to the bathroom. Not where I would want to go but it was the only private place with a locked door.

Once away from the rest of the people I unfolded the paper. It was a letter.

Dear Lowsmith, Told you I would get in touch with you somehow. I won't always have Wendy give it to you but this will work for today. You wanted me to stay in touch so I am, I'm fine, no word from Bill yet. I know that can be seen as a good thing but I am actually a little worried.

Anyways, I promised Wendy to end the search parties, so you should read the rest of my letter to my grunkles and anyone else there.

Finishing the letter I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Everyone, can we all meet in the kitchen, there is something I would like to share with you all." I called out to everyone as I made my way through the kitchen.

They all gave me a weird look, but followed me to the kitchen. Once everyone was there I produced the letter from my pocket and unfolded it.

With a breath I eyed all of them, but my gaze landed on Ford when I said, "I got a letter from Dipper."

Shock spilled through the room and it caused Ford and Stanly to stand, Ford came at me for the letter but I held it back, placing my hand on his chest to back him up.

"Lowsmith give me that letter, now!" He growled.

"No he sent it to me, I'm going to read it." I pushed back, Stanly grabbed his brother's arm and he pulled Ford back. They stumbled back into the table, Stan forced his brother to sit next to him. Wendy put her hand on Mable's arm, the question was written all over her face.

When everyone settled down I started reading the part of the letter that was meant for them.

"To everyone who has been looking for me. I understand how worried you all are and I shouldn't have left without explaining everything but I want to stress I was not kidnapped and am not being held against my will, I can come back whenever I want to. Right now I do not want to come back, I've asked this to be read out loud so for the sakes of my grunkles and my sister I wouldn't explain why, but you should be aware." I paused and eyed Ford to set in Dippers point, I folded the note and placed it in my pocket, they didn't need to hear the rest. Dipper goes on explaining his relationship with the God, how they had become quick friends and lived together before Dipper was ready to leave. To me and any other cop this would be useful, to know the mental state of both persons involved. But to them, if his grunkles knew about this they just might take shotguns to the forest till they come face to face with the god.

Wendy eyed me quickly, her eyes flicking to the note.

"I don't think we should continue the searches." I said.

"What?!" Stan asked, him and Ford were on their feet again.

"You just expect us to stop looking?" Ford spit.

"Yes, your boy wasn't kidnapped. He left, nothing to go out looking for." I said holding my cool, he was in my face but I refused to go blow to blow with him or even raise my voice.

His brow twitched and his lip curled, fumes almost shot out of his ears, but whatever he was about to spew got caught in his throat by someone else's introuption. 


Sorry this chapter took so long to come out I got caught up in summer and forgot. But I promise to keep writing and I will continue to write till I finish the book. 

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