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Taehyung's P.O.V

My mom just went M.I.A.


I was hoping to talk to her, catch up, maybe even go shopping.

But, of course, I'm always the one with bad luck.

"I don't know where she is Chim. We were talking on my couch and I wanted to go to the store, but she insisted. She didn't come back.", a tear formed in my eye but I held it back, as I finished my laundry and sat by Chim on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry TaeTae. I honestly don't know what happened.", Jimin tried to comfort me.

"Hey, at least I got to spend some time with her. Right?", I tried to laugh.


As he was about to say something else, his phone rang.

"Hello? What? Wait, right now? You and who? But-, ok ok it's cool. We're here.", Jimin hung up and I raised my eyebrows.

"Who was that?"

"A friend.. He's coming over. And he's bringing one of his buddies.", Jimin frantically got up and started to clean up.

He hurriedly changed into a long sleeved white shirt and tights.

"Wait who?", I asked as he was moving around like the flash.

"Just go get changed!"

I obeyed, and I put on a black shirt with sweatpants.

"Ok. We're good? I look decent, right?", he asked.

"Wait, Chim. Who are we getting all ready for?"


There was a knock on the door.

"Can you get it?", he begged and I rolled my eyes.

I unlocked the door and opened it, seeing a pale boy and Jungkook with a smirk on their faces.

"What are you doing here?", I asked confused.

"You know him?", the short, pale one asked Jungkook and he shrugged.

Oh, don't shrug. Of course, you know me. Mr. Cutie.

"You gonna let us in or?", the pale one rolled his eyes.

"Sorry.", I opened the door wide and they stepped in.

"Hey.", Jimin tried to sound casual, but he failed.

His voice came out squeaky and he was sitting awkwardly on the couch.

"Who's this?", I asked and looked at the pale one.

"His name is Min Yoongi. I met him at the.. store! Yep, the store."

"Ok?", I looked at him weirdly and sat down.

"Why did you guys come here anyway?", I eyed Min Yoongi's tattoos and figured he was probably in the mafia with Jungkook.

"I wanted to spend time with this one. And I just brought him here.", Yoongi nodded to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at me and winked, and I avoided eye contact.

"There's a toy Kook.", he pointed at me.

"I'm not a toy, thank you very much. I am a human being. Can't say the same for you looking like the ghost of Christmas.", I snapped.

He glared at me and clenched his fists.

Jimin noticed and he stood up, "How about we play an uplifting game?"

"Like what shorty?", Jungkook finally spoke.

"I don't know, Truth or dare?", he responded.

"You always suggest truth or dare.", I whined.

"Got something else in mind?", Yoongi looked at me.

"Oh shut up.", I sat down on the floor, and we got in a circle.

"Or we can play that card game and see how long we last.", Jungkook said.

"What card game?"

"The one where you have to hold it to your lips and shit.", Yoongi explained.

"There's only four of us. How would that work?", I gave Jungkook a look and he gave me a dirty smirk.

"I don't know. I just wanted to kiss you."

Jimin and Yoongi widened their eyes, along with me.

"Ok. Let's just tell some secrets. That could be the game.", I suggested and they agreed.

"I'll go first. I... I never had sex before.", I admitted and Yoongi and Jungkook gaped at me, while Jimin just sat there since he knew already.

"You're joking.", Jungkook stared at me.

"Nope. My mom was always one to tell me to never have sex until you trust the person enough. And so far, I haven't trusted anyone.", I shrugged.

"So you're telling me, with a body and face like that, no one has ever fucked you before?", Jungkook pushed.

I blushed and looked at the floor, "Nope."


"I'll go next. I almost got raped in a movie theatre.", Jimin looked down.

"What?", Yoongi gave Jimin a look, saying he could tell him.

"It was this ex. I didn't want to lose my virginity to him and he was like no you're going to satisfy me and I'm like no. He kept on touching me and-. I don't want to elaborate.So, I called Tae and he picked me up."

"If someone ever hurts you like that, get me. I'll beat their asses.", Yoongi sincerely said.

"You would protect him? Ou, Yoongi has a crush.", Jungkook teased and Yoongi stuck him the bird.

My phone started ringing, and it showed that one of my distant cousins who lived in Korea was calling me. he never called me and basically hated me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Check the news. Now."

I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up to grab the remote. I turned the T.V on and turned it to the news channel and that's when my heart broke into a million pieces.

My mom's name was on the screen.

Her bloody body was on the street and there were police and the ambulance around.

No... No, this can't be happening.

I shakily dropped my phone and the remote.

My legs couldn't take it and just gave out, and I fell, but Jimin caught me.


"No!", I sobbed and watched the T.V

"Woah, what happened?", Yoongi and Jungkook got up.

"Omg! I-Is that-?", Jimin's tears started to come.

"Please tell me this is a dream. Please wake me up. Please tell me my mom didn't get killed!", my wet face looked at Jimin and he shook his head.

I continued to sob as he held me.

"That's your.. mom?", Jungkook asked.

"It is.", Jimin answered for me since I was too much of in a state to answer anyone's questions right now.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Me and Yoongi looked at each other.

I killed his mom.

I killed the only person he had left.

It's my fault.


I'm just like my father.

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