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Taehyung's P.O.V

No one ever knocks on the door.

Me and Jimin didn't know what to do.

Jungkook was in the training room, and the boys were sleeping.

I slowly stood up and Jimin yanked on my arm.

"What are you doing?!", he whisper-yelled and I shook it off as I made my way to the door.

Go tell Jungkook? Or handle it myself?

I heard Jungkook's music upstairs, which is probably why he couldn't hear the knocking.

I opened the door and saw a man with a blanket wrapped around himself, with a sad look on his face.

I widened my eyes and looked back at Jimin, who was staring at the man.

"Um... are you ok?", I asked.

"N-No.. I saw your house when I was riding my bicycle.. I don't have anywhere else to go.. I-"

"Aw, come in.", I opened the door wider and watched as he walked in.

I noticed he looked around the house but I ignored it.

He was probably just amused by the big size.

"Do you have a home?", I asked and sat him down on the living room couch.

"No..I was looking for food.", his eyes met Jimin's and looked him up and down.

"What's your name?", I asked as I got him an orange out of the fridge.


"I'm Taehyung. This is my friend Jimin.", I pointed and he smiled.

"Who else do you live with?"

"Some boys. They're a little... scary so you don't want to mess with them right now.", I chuckled nervously.

I heard a scream, most likely coming from the hostage, saying "Get me out of here!"

The man in front of me widened his eyes, like he knows the person, but his eyes went straight back to the way they were before.

"What was that?", Ty asked.

"Umm... the radio! Yeah, that's my fav song. Get me out of here!", I started dancing but stopped when I noticed how awkward I was being.

"Can I ask an important question?", he whispered and I nodded.

"Do you know how to fight?"

"um, yes. My... friend trained me and Jimin. With weapons and-"

I stopped when I heard a cough from Jimin and he glared at me.

I think I saw a smirk from Ty but i didn't know for sure.

"Thank you for telling me. I should make my way out now. Thank you.", he bowed and walked out the door, not before giving the house one last glance.

I waved and closed the door.

"He looked kind of mysterious Tae.", Jimin spoke.

"Yeah. He said he was looking for food, but he looked pretty muscular to be starving.", I shrugged it off and locked the door.

Jungkook came in the living room, "Why are you by the door?"

"Oh a man knocked and I let him in-"

"What?!", Jungkook stormed up to me.

"What the fuck do you mean you let him in?!"

I flinched from his loud voice, "He said he was hungry... He said he didn't have a home either."

Jungkook ran his hands through his hair, "Fuck!"


"You never let anyone in! Why didn't you come tell me?! We can't trust anyone outside this door Taehyung!", he yelled at me and I fiddled with my fingers.

"Jungkook, stop fucking yelling at him! It was an accident!", Jimin stood up and defended me.

"An accident?! So when a bunch of men come here, we know why. What did he tell you?!"

"He asked If i could fight and I said I was trained with weapons and stuff. His name is Ty."

Jungkook widened his eyes, "Ty. Why the fuck would you tell him you- you know what? Forget it. I should have known better. You two are fucking idiots apparently."

His voice boomed through the house, "Boys! Wake up!"

I've never seen Jungkook this mad..

I looked at Jimin and my eyes started to get glossy.

He signaled for me to come here and I walked to him.

He sat down with me and rubbed my back, reassuring me it was ok.

In some seconds, the boys all came from different places and yawned.

"What Kook?", Jin asked.

"We have a problem. Ty came here."

"What?! Who let him in?", Yoongi exclaimed.

Jungkook looked over and glared at me, while the other boys followed his eyes.

I put my head down, ashamed.

"He asked Taehyung if he knew how to fight and since Taehyung told him he could, now the gang fucking know their trained and my whole plan is ruined!", Jungkook clenched his fists.

"It was an accident Jungkook. He didn't know-", Jimin started but Jungkook cut him off.

"No fuck the accident. You should have stopped him.", he pointed at him and Yoongi stepped up.

"I know you're mad. Just take some breaths ok? We're gonna get through this."

"Yeah, I'm sure.", he pushed his way out of the boys and stormed upstairs.

They all looked at me and I looked away.

"I'm really sorry..", I said quietly.

"We're not mad at you Tae. Jungkook just has a.. temper. We're going to figure out a new plan. Ok? Don't feel upset.", Hoseok put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded.

But Jungkook was mad at me.

And even though the boys didn't admit, i'm pretty sure they were all mad at me too.

I ruin everything.

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