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Jungkook's P.O.V

"You've been working out for the past 4 hours. Jesus.", Jin told me as I did some sit-ups.

"And?", I didn't look at him and continued doing my sit-ups.

"And you're going to be exhausted. Did you even eat anything? You-"

"Jin, I'm fine. I don't need to be babied."

"At least take a break. Shit.", he watched me.

"I did. 3 hours ago. I don't need another break."


"Bye Jin."

"Be nice to your hyung. You don't have to be cold to me all the time."

"Ok.", I ignored him.

"You're not listening huh?", Jin crossed his arms and glared at me.

"Nope. Go talk to your boyfriend. I'm sure he would love to listen to you.", I smirked as I stopped and laid down.

"Fine. I will.", he walked out and I chuckled.

I stood up and did a cool-down, and then decided to call Taehyung.

"Hey, Tae. You're at work? Alright, I'm coming then."

I walked downstairs and found Hoseok watching Criminal Minds on the T.V

"Hey, I'm heading out.", I informed him and he nodded, not even taking his eyes off the television.


Taehyung's P.O.V

"I told him not to come.", I slapped my forehead.

"Excuse me? I want an iced mocha.", a sassy girl came up to me.

"You said a hot one, though.", I gave her a look.

"Well now I want an iced one. That one burned my tongue."

Is she stupid?

"Well, it is hot. That's why you should blow before you drink.", I tried to stay professional.

"Don't be smart. Get me an iced mocha.", she slammed her empty cup on the counter.

I forced a smile, "Coming right up."

At that point, Jungkook came walking through.

And let me tell you, he has never looked finer.

Black shirt? Black air forces? Grey sweatpants?

Yes sir.

I stopped what I was doing and blushed as he came sit a stool in front of me.


"Hey, Jungkook."

"Um, so are you going to fix my mocha or stand there drooling?", she twirled her hair.

"right. Sorry.", I fixed her iced mocha and held it.

"That'll be 5.50"

"Um, it should be free."

"And why should it be free?", this girl started to annoy me.

Jungkook looked back and forth, interested.

"Because. You burned my tongue."

"You ordered a hot mocha. It wasn't going to taste like winter."

"That's it. I'm getting my boyfriend.", she scurried back to her table and talked to some guy.

"Why are you so nice?", Jungkook asked me.

"I don't know. I hate being mean, unless they deserve it."

"I hate being nice."

"Weirdo.", I playfully hit his hand.

"Look. There he is. He won't give me my iced mocha and he's charging me for it.", the girl whined and some muscular dude stood next to her.

"Just give it to her."

"She drank the whole mocha and asked for an iced one. Why would I give it to her for free?", I held the drink tight in my hand.

I saw Jungkook glare at the guy and clench his fists.

"Look, give her the drink. And maybe I won't punch your faggot ass.", the guy walked closer to the counter.

I started to get mad so I opened the lid off the drink and threw it on his face.

The girl gasped and the guy had an angry expression on his face.

"Why would you do that?!", the girl screamed at me, and everyone in the café looked at all of us.

"That's it.", the guy was about to punch me, but Jungkook stood up and punched him in his back, making him groan.

The guy turned around and almost swung on Jungkook, but Jungkook caught his fist and twisted his hand, punching him in the nose.


The guy screamed in pain, and his nose started to bleed.

"OMG! Babe?!", she knelt down and held his face.

"You probably broke his nose!", she screamed at Jungkook and Jungkook just shrugged.

"I should slap you.", she stood up.

"Do it and you'll lose that hand.", Jungkook threatened.

She gasped and helped her boyfriend get up.

They ran out of the café and everyone was still staring at us in horror.

"Turn the fuck around.", Jungkook yelled and they quickly turned their heads.

"Jungkook!", I scowled.

"What? I was helping you out."

"I can handle myself."

"That guy was about to punch you. I have a feeling you don't know how to defend yourself.", he chuckled.

"Yes I do! I think.."


"I bet I can beat you up."

"Oh shush. Before I make you shut up."

I raised my eyebrows and leaned in, "Make me then."

Jungkook smirked and grabbed the back of my neck, pushing me against his lips.

I gasped in the kiss, and he gained access to the inside of my mouth.

I pulled away, "You can't just do that!"

"Don't say make me then."

"I hate you."

Something flashed in his eyes but it quickly went away, "No you don't."

"I was just kidding."


I was cleaning up the mess on the counter when he was just staring at me.


"Stop what?"

"Staring at me!"

"I'm sorry. You're just a really good looking person to stare at."

I blushed and he showed that smile again.

"I should go.", he got up.

"So soon?"

"Yeah. Have stuff to do. I'll call you though."

"Ok. Bye Kook!", he walked out of the doors.


No one's P.O.V

"Just look at him. Acting like he is the best."

"Boss.. he's leaving."

"I know. You're going to go in there and get that boy's number. Alright?"

"Yes boss."

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