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Jimin's P.O.V

I heard my alarm go off, and I tiredly rubbed my eyes. I looked at the time,

9:00 am

Yoongi would be here in 2 hours.

I got up and took my morning piss.

We all know that morning piss be hitting different.

After I finished, I washed my hands and brushed my teeth.

"I look like a mess.", I looked in the mirror and ruffled my hair.

"Chim! I fixed some breakfast.", Tae knocked on my door.

"Always hyper.", I shook my head.

I walked out of my room and sat at the table, noticing my plate full of bacon and grits.

"Thanks Tae.", I sat down.

"No problem.", he sat down in front of me.

"So. What are you going to do at Yoongi's house?", Tae asked me.

"Eh. Prob just going to chill. I don't know."


"What do you mean mhm?"


"Yeah right."

"Seriously, nothing. Do you want me to come in case they try anything?"

"No! You don't need to. Plus, you only wanna go because Jungkook is there."

"Not true."


"Well, be safe. I don't need to lose anyone else.", he got up and left his half full plate on the table, then going into his room.

I sighed and put our plates in the sink.

I just feel so bad. Tae is so fragile, and I'm scared anything can happen.

But, then again, he always shows me that he is strong.

I got dressed, putting on a short sleeved black shirt with ripped jeans.

After I got dressed, I walked into his room to find him leaning against the headboard, watching something on his phone.

I sat beside him and looked, as he was watching a video of his mom saying sweet things to him as a baby.

He scooted down and laid his head onto my lap.

I didn't say anything and just let him watch.

I played through his hair, which I know is something that he loves.

I heard sniffles, but I figured it would be best to just let him cry it out.

After about an hour, I heard little snores.

I moved myself subtly, to make sure I don't wake him up, and placed his head on a pillow.

There were tears on his face and I took the phone from him.

Poor baby cried himself to sleep.

I closed his door quietly and walked into the living room.

My phone started ringing, and I answered it, seeing it was Yoongi.

"Hey. Oh, you're on the way? You're early, but I'm ready. Ok. Bye."


Yoongi's P.O.V

"You're bringing who over?", Jungkook crossed his arms.

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