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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Jimin!", I yelled again and tears went down on my face.

I can't believe this scene in front of me.

My best friend got shot.

"Do you guys have your guns?!", Jungkook yelled over the shots.


"Use them!", Jungkook took out his and began to shoot through the window.

He got one right in the temple.

There were 9 men. one down.

"Jimin..", I crawled to him and held him.

"Keep breathing. Ok?", I put pressure on the wound so it could at least help all of that bleeding.

We were both crying, and I have never been more scared.

"Here's the plan! Yoongi and Jin, bring Jimin and Tae to the car! If they shoot at you, shoot back! Protect Tae and Jimin at all costs! Me, Namjoon, and Hoseok are coming.", Jungkook said in between shots.

"Come on!", Yoongi picked up Jimin bridal style, and Jin held my arm, and ran us to the car.

Yoongi placed Jimin in the back with me, and Jin made sure I got in safely.

They shot at the men who were shooting.

Then, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Hoseok ran down and got in the car.

"Go!", Jin was in the driver's seat and started the car.

Jungkook shot the last man through the window and sat down.

"Alright. That's all of them."

"Jimin..", I sobbed and watched him clutch his wound on his stomach.

Jungkook turned around, "He'll be ok. We're bringing him to a top notch nurse. She'll fix him."

"You promise?", I looked at him.


"Hold in there Jimin.", Yoongi held his thigh.


Yoongi picked Jimin up bridal style and placed him on the bed.

"He got shot.", he explained.

"Ok.", the lady put on her gloves removed Jimin's shirt.

"Tae..", he coughed out.

"Shh.. I'm right here.", Yoongi stood by him.

"Tae... you have to stand outside the door.", Jungkook told me.

"No! He's my best friend! He could...", I sobbed and Jungkook grabbed my wrist.

"Come on.", he pulled me out of the room.

My body started shaking and I couldn't process anything.

My hands were bloody and I stared at them in horror.

"Tae, look at me."

I didn't look at him and continued to stare at my hands.

I felt his fingers touch my chin and he lifted it up.

"He's going to be ok."

"This is all my fault. If I just hurried up, we would have been in the car and he wouldn't have gotten sh-shot!", I sobbed.

"Listen, he's going to be ok. I have been shot multiple times and that lady healed me. He will be fine."

"Jungkook, I don't want to be scared every day. I don't want to be scared of getting shot when I step out of the door!"

"You won't. I will protect you. We will protect you.", he placed his hand on my cheek.

"I'm scared Jungkook."

He pecked my lips, "Don't be. Everything is going to be fine. As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you. Ok?"

I nodded.

"Let's clean you up."


"Ok.", the lady grabbed all of the boys' attention and they all surrounded her in front of Jimin's door.

"How is he? Is he ok?", I asked worriedly.

"He's fine. I pulled the bullet out. If I would have made any other slight movement, the whole procedure would have went wrong and he wouldn't have made it. But, I did it. He lost a lot of blood, so he's healing right now and he needs to rest. Min is in there with him, so he's ok."

We all let out a relieve sigh and I pulled the nurse into a hug.

She was startled, "Thank you so much..", I waited for her to give me her name.


"Thank you Ji-eun.", I pulled away and they all laughed at me.

She nodded and went to her desk.

"Ok, he's going to be ok.", I sighed and put my hand over my heart.

"Told you.", Jungkook smiled.

"Yeah. We told you both, we're going to protect you. And we did.", Hoseok ruffled my hair.

"So.. my apartment is ruined. I'm pretty sure the sofa has holes through it.", I sighed.

"Yeah. But you're moving in, so it'll be ok.", Jin added.

"But where will I sleep?"

"With Jungkook.", Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok said at the same time.

"What?", I looked at Jungkook and he had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Yeah. He'll for sure keep you safe.", Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows and Jungkook slapped the back of his neck, making him yelp in pain.

"Hey! You didn't have to do that. I'll get Taehyung to keep you in check.", Hoseok glared at Jungkook and I laughed.

"Don't worry. These kids are idiots. If Jungkook touches you, get me.", Jin told me and I nodded,


Yoongi's P.O.V

He looked like he was in so much pain.

But, he wasn't crying.

I don't understand.

I mean, I wouldn't cry.

I'm used to it. But him? He's just a regular person.

"Y-Yoongi?", he tried to sit up but he groaned and laid back down.

I chuckled, "Yeah you just got shot, idiot."

"I forgot.", he rolled his eyes.

"How are you not crying right now?"

"I'm a strong person, I guess.", his voice was strained.

"Hm. Is it because of that dad?"

"Yeah.", Jimin put his head down.

"We could use that strength in the mafia.", I smirked at him.

"No way in hell.", he answered.

"Ok. Suit yourself.", I shrugged.

"Why did you stay in here with me?"

".. maybe you are an interest to me."

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