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Taehyung's P.O.V

When i was little, I never would have imagined that this is the place i would now call my home. I mean, who would ever think of this? Meeting a mafia leader and basically having every bad thing happen to you that you can think of.

But as i looked around the living room, i saw that this whole journey was worth it. It may sound really evil, but it was worth it. The world is not all teacups and rainbows.

There's always going to be those really bad things that will be stuck in the back of my mind forever. But, i will learn how to get through it.

I just need him by my side.

Jungkook interlocked my hand into his as we were all watching Crazy Rich Asians. I looked at him and smiled, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"Y'all just had sex, right?", Hoseok asked out of no where and eyed Jungkook and I.

"Hoseok!", Jin hit his arm and we all chuckled.

"What?! We can't just sit here and watch t.v like we didn't all hear that? Like, i'm not stupid."

"You are pretty stupid though.", Namjoon fired  back.

"I will roast you so quick, don't come for me-"

"Can you all just shut the fuck up?", Yoongi glared at the three and held Jimin close to him.

I stared at the yoonmin couple. They're so cute. I feel like Jimin has always wanted someone to treat him like Yoongi does. And i'm so glad he found that person.

"Y'know, I never would have thought, out of all people, Jungkook and Yoongi would fall for someone like this. Like, Taehyung was in a coffee shop. Jimin was walking by the alley. It just amazes me.", Jin stated.

"Yeah. I think you should actually thank me Jungkook. If i didn't send you to that coffee shop to get me a coffee, then you wouldn't have fallen for Tae.", Namjoon shrugged.

"Really?", Jungkook scoffed.

"He's not wrong though.", Jimin backed him up.

I playfully slapped Jungkook's chest and he sighed, "Thanks Namjoon. Appreciate it."

"You are welcome."

"Oh, I forgot. Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi. Meeting room. I need to talk to you guys.", Jungkook gently moved me and I gave him a curious look.

The boys all went into the meeting room while Jimin looked confused also.

"What are they talking about?"

"I don't know. We'll ask when they get back. Oh! Speaking of Yoonmin, I heard..", I sat by him on sofa.

Me and Jimin actually got to catch up while the boys were talking. We've been spending time with our boys that we haven't really got time to talk to each other.

"Me and Yoongi are official. I'm so happy, Taehyung. I have my best friend, my friends, and my boyfriend all beside me.", I saw a wide smile spread across jimin's face.

"When you're happy, I'm happy.", I pulled him into a hug.

"Oh my god, me and Jungkook are not official."


"We're like... I don't know. Neither of us asked each other."

"Well, i'm sure he'll ask Tae. Don't worry."

After Jimin said that, the boys came back in and stood in front of us.

"We decided to make a decision.", Yoongi announced.

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