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Taehyung's P.O.V

3 hours later, the nurse stepped out and took off her gloves and mask.

I stood up and stared at her, "How is he?"

She smiled, "He's  ok."

We all did relieved sighs and I put my hand over my heart.

"The bullet luckily didn't hit the heart or any other important organs. The bullet barely slipped past it, he's really lucky to be alive. He's resting right now, and he'll probably want to go home but I suggest he stay here. But if he doesn't want to, make sure he stays in bed. He needs rest and he needs to rest his body. Don't stress him out and don't make him do anything that will strain his muscles.", Ji-eun said sternly.

We nodded and thanked god he was ok.

"Can I... Can i see him?", I asked.

"I know how much you love him. Of course."

I thanked her and walked into the room, closing the door after me.

I stared at the IV tube in his arm and his chest rising up and going down.

I slowly walked to him and held his hand.

I moved a lock of hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.

"You almost made me have a heart attack.", I said quietly.

"You were that worried about me.."

I gasped, "I thought you were sleeping."

"Mafia leaders don't sleep.", he chuckled drly and slowly opened his eyes, staring at me.

"Jungkook, i don't know what I would have done if you didn't make it..", I admitted and rubbed circles on his thumb.

"I'm sorry.", he strained.

"I am too. Go back to sleep, you need rest."

"No, I want to leave."

"You have to rest first."


I started to walk but he pulled my hand.

"Stay... you're the only reason why I made it.."

My eyes started to tear up again and I sat in the chair next to the bed, watching him go back to sleep.

Someone is always getting attacked.

It's like the universe is out to get me in some way..

"Jungkook, stay in bed and don't move.", I pulled the blanket over him in our room, with the boys surrounding us.

"We'll have a meeting in a bit. You guys go rest and wash up. I know you're all still shocked up.", Jungkook said and they walked- limped, out of the room.

"Tae, I got shot before. I'm fine.", he informed me.

"No! Jungkook, you could have fucking died! And this isn't like the other times. This... This is different. Because this time, you have a person who loves you so much that even if you killed his mother, he would still die for you. You have a person who loves you so much. And i don't want you to die because of me. I can't have any other people dying. It's too much.", I lashed out and he stared at me in pity.

"I am so sorry Tae. I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry that I killed your mother.. And i'm sorry all of this is hitting you so hard.", Jungkook apologized.

I wiped my wet cheeks and sat on the edge of the bed, "Everything is so hard Jungkook. Your dad is dead. You have a brother. I almost had to choose between you and my best friend. And the crew is injured. And all of this was because-"

"Nothing is your fault. Come here."

I sniffles and crawled into the bed next to him.

I saw the bandages on his chest and I scooted down lower so I can be in his embrace.

He groaned as he picked up his arm to wrap around me, and I got worried, "You don't have to-"

"I'm fine, really. Just a scratch that's all."

I sighed and let the room fill with our soft breaths.

"I really am sorry Taehyung."

"I am too. It's ok, we're going to move on and it's going to get better. If i have you, I'll be ok."

"As long as you're safe with me, i'll be ok."

I closed my eyes and I knew he was falling asleep too.

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