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Taehyung's P.O.V

"I owe you one Tae.", Hoseok hopped onto the sofa.

"How about privacy?", Jungkook suggested and i slapped his chest.

"Let us know if you need anything else Hoseok.", me and Jungkook went back upstairs.

I heard noises and I turned to look at Jungkook, "What was that?"

He shrugged and we followed the noise to Yoongi and Jimin's room.

Moans filled the room and I covered my mouth from busting out laughing.

"I am dead.", I wheezed.

"Looks like everyone is getting pleasure but me.", Jungkook threw his hands up and I followed him into our room.

I locked the door and sat by him on the bed.

"It's not like I don't want to-"

"Tae, I know. I don't want to pressure you. I mean, you got r-"

"Please don't talk about it.", I shut my eyes and he held my hand.

"I'm sorry. Hey, i'm going to smuggle you with kisses when i'm done showering.", he kissed my forehead and I smiled.


He walked into our bathroom and closed the door.

I decided to go walk down to get a drink out of the kitchen.

Y'know, all of this walking on stairs should make me burn some calories. Just saying.

"Can i go outside?", I asked Hoseok and Namjoon, who joined him on the sofa.

"No. Jungkook will kill us.", Namjoon responded.

"Please? I'm just getting a fresh breath of air. I won't do anything bad, I promise!", I begged and they sighed.

"Fine. But, stay right in front of this house.", Hoseok gave in.


I walked out and turned on the porch light.

I'm not one to get along with the dark, but now it was kind of soothing.

I heard a rustling sound as I started to go back in the house.

"H-Hello?", I stuttered and clenched my fists.

"Whoever you are, leave. Now, before I-"

There was a cocking of a gun and i was held at gunpoint.


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