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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Tae? I'm so sorry you had to deal with all of this.", Jimin pulled me into a hug downstairs.

I haven't really got to speak to him, and I feel at fault.

"Did you know?", I asked him.

"No. And i'm your best friend. If i knew, i would have told you immediately."

"I'm sorry i left. It was just a lot to deal with. Are you ok?"

"Don't worry about me. A lot of shit has happened, and I all i want is for you to be happy. K?"

I nodded and smiled.

"So, Tae killed my father. Which i'm very grateful for. The other members, well the ones left,  most likely ran off, but I have a feeling they won't be attacking. My father was the smart one, not those baboons. And my brother.. he's an idiot. I want to track him down, but we'll save that for later. We saved Taehyung, and my dad is dead. And that's what the whole mission was about.", Jungkook announced to all of us.

"So.. what's next?", Hoseok asked.

"I'm going to figure something out about Ty. In the meantime, just rest."

The boys widened their eyes and I looked around confused.

"We never got a break before. Are you sure Jungkook?", Namjoon asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Yep. Unless of course, you don't want a break-"

"No! Why would you even say that? I'm going watch my dramas. Peace!", Jin ran upstairs.

Namjoon shook his head and chuckled, "Thanks Jungkook.", and followed Jin upstairs.

"Front T.V is mine. You guys know I love Criminal Minds.", Hoseok jumped on the sofa and went for the remote.

"I want to talk to Yoongi. Rest you guys.", Jimin informed and led Yoongi upstairs to their room.

I looked down on the floor and felt his gaze on me.

"Are you ok?", his soft voice asked me.

"Better.", I looked up and smiled.

"Shh! Come on, if you guys want to do that stuff, go watch the dramas with Jin. Let me be at peace!", Hoseok rolled his eyes and turned up the volume in the television.

"Come see.", I said and he followed me back to our room.

"Sit.", I ordered and he sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me with those pretty doe eyes.

I crawled on top of his lap and placed my arms around his neck.

"I forgive you.", I whispered into his ear and his eyes lightened up.

"Really?! You forgive me?!"

I smiled, "Yes. I'm going to have to live with it, and of course I have to forgive you. You're in the mafia, you guys do stuff like this. But, I do love you. And I don't want to lose you. So, yes, I forgive you. My mom would have wanted me to forgive you too."

He wrapped his hands around my torso and squeezed me like a bear, "Jungkook! Ow!"

"I'm sorry, i'm just really happy. I thought you wouldn't forgive me, and I thought that you would hate me forever."

I noticed a tear rolled down and I wiped it, "Don't cry."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No i'm not. I just smelled Hoseok's dirty socks and my eyes got watery."

I rolled my eyes, "Ok. It was nice for you to call a break for the boys."

"Yeah, they've done a lot. They deserve it."

"I'm proud of you."


"Jungkook, you saved me. More than once. And i'd probably be dead right now if it wasn't for you. Thank you."

He kissed my cheek, "Of course. And you know what I was thinking?"


"What if I promote Namjoon?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if.. I made him leader? Instead of me?"

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