Taehyungs P.O.V
After that whole kiss thing, Jungkook just turned around, with me facing his back.
Like nothing happened.
I shook my head and hoped that he would let me talk to him tomorrow, then falling asleep.
I woke up to hearing the water in the shower.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, clearing up my vision. I yawned and leaned against the headboard.
Stupid Jungkook. Always confusing me.
About 10 minutes later, Jungkook came out, already dressed in some black pants and a black shirt. His hair was damp and he had on black socks.
Black on black? Ok..
I stood up and crossed my arms, "Why did you kiss me if you're the one who said no more kissing and holding each other. I pulled away and you still kissed me. You're feeling things Jungkook, I know you are."
"I just wanted something before I went to sleep, alright? I didn't mean to do it.", he grabbed his charged phone off the nightstand.
"Bull crap. You did mean to do it. Why won't you just admit that you have feelings for me like a normal human being?", I rolled my eyes.
"I don't."
"You do."
"I don't."
"so you love me then?"
"Yes. Wait, no!", Jungkook was caught off-guard and I smiled.
"You're scared. To admit. I don't really understand why."
"I'm not going to fall any deeper Taehyung. That's that.", he walked out of the room.
I groaned and grabbed my phone to hold, and walked downstairs. I knew the boys would be down there.
Jin made some breakfast and everyone was sitting at the table but Yoongi and Jimin.
"Where did Jungkook go?", I asked.
"Probably planning. That's what he does in some tough situations. It's best to leave him alone.", Namjoon answered and I sighed.
"Can I ask you guys a question?", I looked at them and they nodded.
"Has Jungkook ever.. loved someone before?"
They glanced at each other before Hoseok answered, "Um.. We can't answer that."
"Why not?"
"It's not our business. Jungkook will beat us if we told you-", Jin started.
"Told me what?! Please tell me, I really wanna know.", I begged.
"It's personal Tae. If he's not ready to tell you, then you don't need to know.", Namjoon added.
I finally nodded and let the conversation end at that.
Jimin's P.O.V
"Have you ever been in a relationship?", I asked as Yoongi was sitting up against the board, and I was on his lap.
"No. I don't do relationships. Especially in here? That won't work out."
"So what do you do if you like a person? A lot."
"I don't know. I've never felt that way towards anyone. I was basically depressed my whole life, and I don't have time for that.", he shrugged.
"What if someone were to change you? In a good way? And make you feel things?"
"Like you?", he smirked.
"I changed you?"
"I don't know. The guys say you changed me. Like, I'm not as cold, ya know? I actually care about you, so you're special, some how."
His words made my heart jump.
It's crazy Min Yoongi would feel this way about someone like me.
And to think. This all started with him killing someone in an alley and bringing me to this mafia house.
"You're special to me too, Yoongs."

FanfictionBeing the boss of a mafia comes with great responsibilities. You have to show no mercy. You have to be strong. You have to be ready for anything. And what's what Jungkook does. He has no room for love in his life, and he doesn't want it. Fuck buddie...