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Taehyung's P.O.V

I was thrown into a truck, and I had no idea where I was going. My tears were already trickling down and there's no way I was stopping them.

My head was throbbing when I woke up.

I recognized the one who took me. Bogum.

There was also another man in the passenger's seat, who I didn't know.

"Why are you doing this?!", I screamed at him as I was in the back seat, my hands tied.

"Shut up before I gag you.", he threatened and I closed my lips.

At least Jimin is ok.


"Hoseok really likes criminal minds, huh?", I joked and Jimin laughed.

"Yeah, and the funny thing is, he's a criminal."

I was about to say another thing when the door was kicked open.

We both widened our eyes, and looked at the one who did it.

"Oouuu, this is Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung?", the unidentified man next to Bogum asked.

"Yep.", Bogum walked towards me and grabbed my wrists.

"No! Get off of me!", I kicked him and he sprang his gun out, pointing It directly at Jimin.

Jimin widened his eyes at the gun.

"Cooperate. Or he gets it.", he grabbed me and I squirmed, so he slapped me.

"Quit it!"

I sobbed as he tied my wrists, and the other guy threw Jimin into the chair and tied him up, so he couldn't move.

"Please!", I begged.


That was the only thing I remembered before everything went black.

End of flashback:

My mind was going crazy. What was he going to do to me?

He isn't going to...

touch me, is he?

My tears went down like a river just thinking of it.

I had to think of Jungkook, just to stay silent from sobbing.

"W-Where are you taking me?", I asked and they both chuckled.

"Oh, just a house. You're going to have fun, trust me."


We arrived at a house, and the man got out of his car and grabbed my arm harshly, pulling me out of the car.

They brought me inside and I saw all kinds of men.

This must be there location. Instead of that warehouse.

"Here he is, boss.", he shoved me forward, and I fell by the strength.

"Hm. So you're the one by son fell for?", he lifted my chin and inspected me.

"Jeon Pae.", I had a hateful look on my face and he grinned.

"The one and only. Did he get that note, Bogum?", he asked him an Bogum nodded.

"Taehyung. I'm not going to hurt you.", he smirked and stepped back.

I let out a relieved sigh.

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