Old Memories

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The rain blew hard against the windshield as the loud sound of thunder boomed in the distance. K.K. squinted as he tried to see the road ahead. He kept his paws tightly on the steering wheel and tried to stay focus as his friend Shrunk was looking at the map. 

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" K.K. asked. Shrunk let out a chuckle.

"C'mon K.K., have a little faith in me." K.K. didn't respond. They were out on the road for a while now. And the longer they were driving the more worried Totakeke was starting to get. K.K. couldn't remember the last time he was at Animal Village. Ever since he got famous and started to travel for his work, it seemed as though he had completely forgotten about the town he used to call home. It felt like an eternity since the last time he was at the Roost strumming away on his guitar.  

K.K. smiled thinking about the old cafe and his friend Brewster. When Totakeke heard about the festival that was happening in town, he was very excited to hear that the townsfolks requested him to perform for them. 

As the rain grew harder the more tense Totakeke started to become. He let out a sigh and decided to turn on the radio to kill out the silence. One of his songs began to play and K.K. winced at the sound of his voice. He then changed the stations only to hear his voice again and again. K.K. could feel himself starting to get annoyed as he furiously changed through all of the stations until finally, a song came up that wasn't his. 

Shrunk looked over at Totakeke and rolled his eyes. 

"Geez, didn't think you hated your music that much." Shrunk joked. Totakeke chuckled.

"I don't. And you know I don't." It was true, Totakeke didn't hate his music. Though sometimes he did feel as though some of his music was a tad bit overrated. Shrunk always did tell him however that his fame was well deserved. When Club LOL started to go low in business, and K.K. showed up to start performing as DJ K.K., the place boomed. And Totakeke and Shrunk became good friends ever since, traveling the world together for K.K. to perform. 

"Are you alright Totakeke?" Shrunk asked, "I'd honestly thought that you would be a bit more excited about going back to Animal Village. Don't you have a friend there that you haven't seen in a long time?"

K.K. tilted his head confused. "Ya mean... Brewster?" he asked. Shrunk shook his head still looking at the map.

"No, Toatakeke. I mean... didn't you say there was a girl there that you used to be good friends with? I mean she's gotta be happy to see you right?"

K.K.'s eyes widened as he remembered who Shrunk was talking about. He was right, how could he have forgotten her? His old friend that he cared for so dearly? The girl that motivated him to start singing when she told him that he had an amazing voice. The girl he had been friends with ever since they were little pups. Toatkeke's paws got tighter on the steering wheel when all he could think about was her.



The young dog swiftly moved around the town hall as she tried to get everything prepared for the festival. The mayor was hardly ever around, but that didn't stop Isabelle from getting everything set up for the townsfolks. As Isabelle walked outside, she saw that all the decorations had finally been set up. She smiled as she saw all the trees covered in lights and ribbons. Music began to play in the background and animals were on the stage getting everything ready for someone to perform. 

"Looks pretty great doesn't it?" a voice asked from behind, startling Isabelle and making her nearly drop the clipboard out of her hands. She quickly turned around only to see that it was just the mayor behind her. 

"I'm sorry," The mayor said, "I didn't mean to startle you. Though I gotta say that you did a really good job of getting everything set up. The town looks great." Isabelle smiled and her tail began to wag. 

"Well, I'm really glad you think so Mayor. Though I do gotta ask, who will be performing tonight at the festival?" Isabelle asked pointing at the stage.

The mayor looked over at Isabelle confused. "Oh, didn't I tell you? K.K. Slider actually agreed to perform for tonight's festival! Isn't that great? I'm actually quite a fan of his music myself."

Isabelle's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was her old friend finally coming to visit Animal Village? A smile crept on her face and she couldn't help but blush. The mayor seemed to notice and grinned as he nudged Isabelle on the shoulder. 

"You're a big fan of him too, I can tell." The mayor said. 

"Uh yes! Yes, I am... I just really like his music that's all. And I think it would be really great to see him.... ᵃᵍᵃⁱⁿ" Isabelle could feel her face start to heat up and she prayed that the mayor wouldn't notice. Though the mayor just nodded and gave a slight hum as an answer before he left Isabelle there at the plaza. She looked back at the stage and felt a warm feeling. She was happy, wasn't she? She was going to see her friend again. Though she couldn't help but wonder that if her old friend was the same person she loved so long ago. Did all his fame, change him? Isabelle shook her head. No, she knew her friend. And she knew that Totakeke would still be the kind loving dog he always was. 

Isabelle let out a sigh before she decided to head back to the Town Hall. When she arrived she saw that her twin brother, Digby, was waiting at the door supposedly waiting for her. 

"Hey Digby, are you looking for me?" Isabelle asked. Digby smiled when he saw his sister and quickly ran towards her.

"Did you hear?" Digby asked with a grin on his face, "K.K. Slider is-"

"K.K. is coming to perform. Yes, I know. " Isabelle interrupted. Digby chuckled.

"What's the matter, Izzy? I thought you'd be happier about this, but you seem a bit..bummed out." Said Digby. Isabelle looked down at the ground and then up at her brother.

"I am happy Digby, I'm just nervous that's all." Digby smiled at his sister and gave her a hug. 

"Well don't be. I know K.K., and I know he will be more than happy to see us." Isabelle smiled at her brother and returned the hug. 

"Okay, if you say so."

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