d a n c e ? ☪︎

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Gym was brutal. We'd moved on to basketball.

My team never passed me the ball, so that was good, but I fell a lot. Sometimes I took people with me. I was worse than usual, all because of Grayson. I tried to concentrate on my feet, but he kept creeping back into my thoughts just when I needed my balance.

It was a relief, as always, to leave. I almost ran to the truck; there were just so many people I wanted to avoid.

The truck had suffered only minimal damage in the accident. I'd had to replace the taillights, and if I'd had a real paint job, I would have touched that up. Tyler 's parents had to sell their van for parts.

I almost had a stroke when I rounded the corner and saw a tall, dark figure leaning against the side of my truck. Then I realized it was just Eric. I started walking again.

"Hey, Eric," I called.

"Hi, Billie."

"What's up?" I said as I was unlocking the door. I wasn't paying attention to the uncomfortable edge in his voice, so his next words took me by surprise.

"Uh, I was just wondering... if you would go to the spring dance with me?" His voice broke on the last word.

"I thought it was girls' choice," I said, too startled to be diplomatic.

"Well, yeah," he admitted, shamefaced.

I regained my composure and tried to make my smile warm.

"Thank you for asking me, but I'm going to be in Seattle that day."

"Oh," he said. "Well, maybe next time."

"Sure," I agreed, and then bit my lip.

I wouldn't want him to take that too literally. He slouched off, back toward the school. I heard a low chuckle.

Grayson was walking past the front of my truck, looking straight forward, his lips pressed together. I yanked the door open and jumped inside, slamming it loudly behind me. I revved the engine deafeningly and reversed out into the aisle.

Grayson was in his car already, two spaces down, sliding out smoothly in front of me, cutting me off. He stopped there — to wait for his family; I could see the four of them walking this way, but still by the cafeteria.

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